blackshoe, on Dec 19 2006, 06:47 PM, said:
You say the Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge, presumably in either the original or the "online" version, are rubbish, pure nonsense, and have no force, and yet you also say that "there is some basic requirements to constitute the game". I hate to break it to ya, but that's what the Laws are. You seem to have some problem with that, but I don't see why.
The ACBL is, among other things, a sponsoring organization for many bridge games, including some here on BBO. As such, and under those Laws you seem to deplore so much, the ACBL may (and does) make certain regulations. Similarly, the WBF, as sponsoring organization for some games (specifically world championships) makes regulations for those games. WBF regulations do not apply in ACBL games, and vice versa. For ACBL sanctioned games at the club level, which effectively includes games here, the club is also a sponsoring organization, and can make regulations too - particularly as regards what conventions may or may not be allowed, or as to how, when and what to alert. I submit to you that if you wish to play in tournaments (including club games), here or anywhere else, you had better follow the rules laid out by the sponsoring organization than try to tell that SO that their rules are "nonsense". But hey, you do whatever you like, including ignoring me.

Ed sorry - I didnt click your www button. I simply didn't notice. I enjoy a lively debate on a friendly basis with any decent person. I dont like persons who are not ready to stand for their expressed views and I think most on internet, not only in bridge sites and not only BBO but also them, are doing a poor job favoring fools by giving them a much to easy ride.
I am not saying the laws are rubbish - not at all. I say they are not in effect on internet because the authority to enforce is missing. Therefore it is pure rubbish to refer to them as paragraph 1, 2, 3 etc. It is not rubbish to extract the general meaning of those. For specific organizers and events it is just perfect to include those rules or any other rules. The authority is there.
It is still a bit problematic to discuss rules not aimed for the platform where they are used. Much confusions seems to arise in this Forum due to that.