The following lin fragment can be copied/pasted into a notepad file called (say, x.lin) on your pc. You can test it by dbl-clicking on x.lin.
the first 3 lines set the red,green and blue components of "color 1".
In this example, red=255 (the max), green and blue are zero. So these 3 lines define a red color, color 1.
You set the working color to red with
cp|1| (color pick 1)
nt is "new text" (and it resets the colors).
at is (i think) "add text"
Not completely sure of the difference. I think pg|| waits for user to click NEXT (or press the -> key). then you add a nt|| to make a new page...etc.
I'm near the limits of my knowledge, but I have access to the docs so drop us a line at if you need more
cr|1255| cg|10| cb|10| bt||tu|1| mn|My title| nt| | at|This is line 1 in the default color| cp|1| at| Now text will remain red until we reset colors There is another page after this one | pg||nt| | cp|| at|This is a line on page 2 in the default color|