RIP Memoriam thread?
Posted 2012-March-04, 14:44
The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists — that is why they invented hell. — Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-March-11, 12:58
The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists — that is why they invented hell. — Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-April-18, 21:10

As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2012-April-19, 14:57
Only if you don't count Canadians as Americans.
The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists — that is why they invented hell. — Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-April-21, 07:01
Posted 2012-April-21, 07:59
The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists — that is why they invented hell. — Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-April-27, 06:59
Posted 2012-April-27, 07:47
y66, on 2012-April-27, 06:59, said:
Ah, but we still have Paul Ryan and his minions to keep her memory alive.

The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists — that is why they invented hell. — Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-May-04, 11:33
I just wish I had a means of playing my vinyl copy of Licensed to ill.
Posted 2012-May-20, 19:04
How do you mend a broken heart?
Posted 2012-May-23, 03:32
I first met Eric in the mid-eighties when I started playing at the Reading Bridge Club, where he played every Tuesday. Despite being the star of the club, he was the least intimidating person there and I'm sure that his regular presence is the major reason that the club attracted and produced so many good players, including Tom Townsend.
Eric was a top-rank theoretician and one of his seminal works was "Precision Bidding in Acol", the first time anyone attempted to put some science into a bidding system that was laissez-faire by nature. This book also included an index based on the auction, so you could look up a sequence like 1C-1H-1S-3D.
I do not recall ever partnering him, but I was phoned one evening to see if I could play the next day with Eric in the National Club Knockout. Unfortunately I had played for another team and thus ineligible, so the next question was whether Helen could play instead. Those who read my blog will know that bridge is not Helen's first interest, and she was very inexperienced, but they were desperate so she said yes as long as Eric played her system (which at that time included Strong Twos, no transfers, no Michaels, simple Blackwood). Helen was extremely nervous about playing with such a good player, but after the match said it had been very enjoyable but they had lost - however it was not their fault, it was just that nige1 had been hopeless!
A gentleman in all senses of the word.
Posted 2012-May-30, 20:13
Posted 2012-May-30, 22:37
The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists — that is why they invented hell. — Bertrand Russell