- - - Pass
1♣ Pass 1♠ Pass
2♠ Pass 3♠ Pass
4♠ Pass Pass Pass
Hope this is ok bidding only
can you guess what sort of hand I have here. I am south bidding 4!H
I will post the hand later, I am curious what you would expect from me
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Quess my hand an opportunity to laff at me LOL
Posted 2004-October-01, 11:29
OK here is the real bidding sigh I will get the hang of it one day
OK here is the real bidding sigh I will get the hang of it one day
Posted 2004-October-01, 11:33
ok last attempt then I will just post it all
ok last attempt then I will just post it all
Posted 2004-October-01, 11:34
Scoring: IMP
West North East South
- - Pass Pass
Pass 1NT 2♣ 3♣
Pass 3NT Pass 4♥
Pass Pass Pass
sorry about first attempts I was just trying to do the bidding only
Posted 2004-October-01, 12:35
5S, 5H, 2D, and a club? Oh, and about 4 hcp... what else could it be. I mean the auction is so descriptive. :-)
Ok.. on the actual hand, where your partner opened 1NT and you had this hand, over two clubs, what do you play double as?
Many play double as stolen bid showing stayman. I actually would be worried about double as partner might pass. I think I would bid 2H (stolen bid) as a transfer to 2S. happy to play there if they will let me, and thinking if they bid to 3C, maybe I will try 3H. However, my partner will do something dramatic over 2H, depending upon your agreement, but maybe 3S or 3C. Either way, now I am going to game despite my initial pessimism. I will try to retransfer to spades at the four level I guess.
Ok.. on the actual hand, where your partner opened 1NT and you had this hand, over two clubs, what do you play double as?
Many play double as stolen bid showing stayman. I actually would be worried about double as partner might pass. I think I would bid 2H (stolen bid) as a transfer to 2S. happy to play there if they will let me, and thinking if they bid to 3C, maybe I will try 3H. However, my partner will do something dramatic over 2H, depending upon your agreement, but maybe 3S or 3C. Either way, now I am going to game despite my initial pessimism. I will try to retransfer to spades at the four level I guess.
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