ATB 5cX -1100
Posted 2012-May-07, 05:04
I disagree with the hog, double was not fine at all. North has 0 tricks.
- hrothgar
Posted 2012-May-07, 05:06
#1 depends, in the end North has 2 (1 1/2) tricks against 4H, his partner showed a
reasonable hand, chances are, that they go down, and the X should also prevent p
from bidding on.
XX is unlikely, and X= cost just 170 or 220.
#2 a stronger hand, 64 is ok
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2012-May-07, 08:38
dwar0123, on 2012-May-07, 04:51, said:
Fluffy, on 2012-May-07, 01:14, said:
Going by this, it seems the problem wasn't the hand strength it was just the quality of the spade suit?
Not only, the ODR is different and as important as suit quality, Jxxx AKQxxx has 1-3 defensive tricks and 6-7 winners, KQxx KQ10xxx has 0-2 defensive tricks 7-8 winners. (maybe exagerating the numbers a bit, but you get the point)
Posted 2012-May-07, 09:59
South's decision to bid 3♠ after pd has passed twice and when the opps are in a game try auction is a pipe dream hoping that pd fits ♠ and that if so 4♠x or perhaps 5♣x will prove best. This is a very bad decision noting that junky 4 card suit.
The following thoughts should be going through South's mind when considering the daft 3♠ bid.
1) Perhaps the opps aren't bidding game.
2) Perhaps declarer will miss guess the trumps or ♦ if south properly uses the green card and doesn't help the opps play the hand.
3) What happens when pd doesn't have 4♠ and perhaps 3♠x could even be ugly..will I just pull and play 4♣x?
4) What will I do if pd thinks that I have more than I do for my 3♠ call and doubles 4♥? When you take dubious actions and don't have the hand you advertise you may have to deal with a pd who's X'd them.
South's decision to pull 4♥x is also awful. For all he knows 4♥x can't make or 5♣x goes for 800 or 1100.
I don't at all care for north'd double of 4♥ as it waves even more a red flag in front of even a weak declarer to finesse him for red queens. He cannot expect a two trick set here and if he passes, perhaps a weak declarer goes down if left to his own devices. It is a disaster if the X turns +50 into -590.
Players who often bid like south are often wondering why their pd has found excuses to not play next week or even why they're not included in the next team game.
All south should be doing after this auction and disaster is appologizing A LOT. "Very sorry partner, I knew that I advertised a better hand and I simply panicked when you X'd them." Even though North's double is dubious, in no way should South criticize after his foolish bidding.
Posted 2012-May-07, 18:13
han, on 2012-May-07, 05:04, said:
I disagree with the hog, double was not fine at all. North has 0 tricks.
I can tell you now that if my pd held the South card's and bid like that the opponents were going down.. Anyway, who says I have 0 tricks?
Posted 2012-May-07, 19:38
the hog, on 2012-May-07, 18:13, said:
Posted 2012-May-08, 04:49
2. A hand with longer ♠s than ♣s. The more distributional the hand the less HCP needed to make the bid. Kxxxx x x KQJxxx would be enough.
3. No, there's no reason to believe that 5 ♣ will yield a better result than 4 ♥. This hand is a good advertisement for the Fred Will approach. Fred was a very fine, wise old player from Detroit. When asked about his secret to success, he said "I never do anything that I can be criticized for in the post mortem." Simple, but sage advice. You don't want to be explaining to partner why you pulled the double when partner shows up with ♥ QJ109 and 4 ♥ never makes.
Posted 2012-May-08, 14:33
rmnka447, on 2012-May-08, 04:49, said:
Surely not what you meant, or are you serious AND giving hands in reverse suit order?
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-May-08, 18:00
I assume you don't play Michaels?
Posted 2012-May-08, 21:58
Posted 2012-May-15, 05:17
the hog, on 2012-May-08, 21:58, said:
A lot of people play split range, so there are 5-6 hands that would fit in there.
I dont like split range, For me 5-6 hands would need a big suit disparitly to bid this way: JTxxx - xx AKJxxx would probably be enough.
dwar0123 asks "2/1 gf imps. So I guess we have 3 questions.
1. Did north have his double given partners bidding?
2. What exactly does south show with the 3♠ bid?
3. Should south run to 5♣ here?"
I agree with Fluffy about the meaning of 3♠ so IMO..
1. No. Double doomed NS to a bad score.
2. 4+ ♠ 6+ ♣ with playing rather defensive strength. e.g. ♠ AQxx ♥ - ♦ xx ♣ QJxxxxx would suffice.
3. No. Rather than jump out of the frying pan into the fire, South should trust his partner. (so blame 50-50).