12 E/W started at table 5, then 6, then 7, playing correctly each time. Next round they are scheduled for phantom/sitout pair, no problem there. Next round they decided to stay at table 7 N/S, wrongly play the boards against the arriving EW. Pair 12 have been playing bridge for 10+ years, they should have realised there is no bridge movement where you move a few rounds, then play 3 sets at the same table in various directions. This is despite not finding the hesitation directions "hidden" under a bidding box.
Now the fun, they move to Table 1 EW (mine as director) and realise after a while that they have played the boards. I tell them to move to Table 2 which will have their correct boards. Unfortunately NS thinking they have a sitout have looked through the boards.
So, I at Table 1 have 3 unplayed boards, through no fault of mine (the previous set, rather than the current set) and and pair 2 also have 3 unplayed boards (it is customary for sitouts to look at unplayed boards at our club).
Giving myself and Pair 2 three lots of AV+ seems far too generous and 6 lots of AV- to pair 12 far too draconian (there may be other views here

My feeling is that it would be equitable to give myself and Pair 2 only one set of AV+, give pair 12 either one or 2 boards of AV-. Score the residue AV.
There is a final consequence, Pair 12 continue to Table 4 and find that they have also played the boards there. I cannot see how to recompense NS4 for the unplayed boards as there is no match as such. However, I think this situation is analogous to a pair playing a wrong board or opponents (played score stands, the correct opponents never get to play the board).