MrAce, on 2012-June-30, 12:12, said:
I passed, before i did that i thought about some shapes pd may have to make game, i came close, but not enough. Pd had
Pass would be right decision if for example he didnt have ♣J in the original hand. Or if he had Kxx ♠ (I didnt believe opponents neccesarilly have 8 card spades in this auction)
But anyway it was close decision that costed us 10 imps. Those who bid the game got it right.
Would you start 2♥ with this or would you make a 3 card LR ?
I actually am more interested in your opinions about my previous pass over 2♥. Would you take another action ? It seems close to me.
Another factor: If partner had doubled 2S, would it be penalty or cooperative? How about your own double vs pass vs bidding?
I think you can definitely read partner for a max of 2S on this auction; you would have expected a pass or double from his hand with 3+ spades (like you got with your hand and 3+ spades).
I think partner's bidding is close to being a 3 card limit raise. Basically, you have 2 expected cover cards in the kings, and potential cover cards in the doubleton spade or the Q of diamonds, as well as a useful chip in the J of hearts. I think its close enough that I wouldn't care what partner called it, but that having aggressive opponents who like to compete past 2H would put me on the 2H camp - you frequently have an opportunity to show a max later in the bidding, like you did here.
It would probably also matter to me what type of hands we open and typically raise with. If we raise aggressively, I might have to put this in the 3 card limit raise. If we open aggressively, I would be more inclined to put this in 2H. If we open and raise aggressively, then I would like a systemic tool to deal with this hand so that we can show a bad 3 card limit raise and stay at the 2 level. I have included those hands in 2
♣ in my main partnership, since we both open and raise aggressively, but that's a mid-chart solution.