mikeh, on 2013-January-07, 19:23, said:
Ah, the old no true scotsman argument. It would be funny, if it weren't so predictable, how so many religious people claim that the violence perpetrated in the name of religion is not based on their beliefs. Tell that to the descendants of the Canaanites, who shared Palestine with the Israelites. Ooops, you can't because, expressly in furtherance of the demands of their god, who is, I believe, your god, the Israelites murdered every single man, woman and child.
What are you talking about? Is this part of ancient history or was this a way to talk about the current desaster around Israel?
And why aren't you able to name the countries which are civilized enough to abaondon religion?
Tell that to the inhabitants of the 'Holy Lands' during the times of the many crusades.
Tell that to the Protestants murdered by the French catholics, or those tortured and murdered by the Holy Inquisition, or those Catholic killed by Protestants in the wars of the reformation.
You may take some history lesson or simply look at Wikipedia. There had been a lot of reasons for the crusades and for the big wars in the Middle Ages. If you had been right, you should have been able to show that there had been no fights between catholic states, but you cannot. Man make war. But anyway, these times are long gone.
Tell that to the women stoned to death in modern Saudi Arabia for adultery. Tell that to the apostates sentenced to death for refusing to believe or to lie about their lack of belief. Tell that to the family of the Pakistani Governor, shot to death because he advocated relaxing the law on blasphemy.....his murderer was accorded open applause by lawyers!
And where is your logical chain to religion here? Death penalty is by no means a part of religion. As written before, China is the land with the biggest number of death penalties. You won't accuse them of being overly religious, will you?
And again, somewhere on this planet there are always people who kill for silly resons, even in Pakistan. Do you mind to tell me the religious reasons the killer in the US have, who just run into schools and kill some pupils? Surely you believe them that God send them?
Tell that to the victims of civil strife that killed a million in India upon independence.
That that to the victims of the genocide of Armenians at the hands of the Turks in the 1920s.
Heck, these are just examples I can name off the top of my head.
I don't doubt that almost all believers will claim, with a straight face and a clear conscience, that violence done in the name of their religion was done by people who were not true believers. However, ask the killers, and their victims, and you'll no doubt get a different answer (of course the victims can't really speak, having been sent on to their lake of fire or what have you, to suffer eons of agony just for not believing correctly).
All your examples are quite old and some demonstably false. But anyway, we had been here before. People kill. If you ask them, they usually claim that they have a reason which is not for the personal advantage. They always tell you something about God, Honor, fame, race, state.
If this killing would stop after reaching atheism, I would support your fight for it. But unluckily it does not. Some of the biggest mass murderer in history had no real connection to religion. Stalin Pol Pot or Mao f.e. just fought for their own power, not for a God.
They need to tell their troops about the benefits of communism, or about the cruelty of the enemy or they have to promise wealth. They used the same words to motivate their soldiers then any leader in history used. They claimed any given reason to justify their fight. Well any one but one. They did not murder in the name of God. But their victims are as countless as the victims of people who claim to fight for a religion. So no, the superiority in atheism is not real. It is an Utopia.
As for the Chinese government, the casual use of executions is horrifying but seems to be based in part on historical tradition: reflecting an attitude towards a person's place in society and relation to the state that long pre-dates communism. A brutual regime practises brutal behaviours. I don't see any attempt by the Chinese to link their criminal justice system to atheism. And while the execution rate is horrific, it isn't as bad as the execution rates in Western Europe in historically recent times, when Christianity was the dominant world view.
So you concede that the current dominating atheist country practice brutal behaviours? Or is China somehow religious in your mind? I will concede that in the middle age, there had been horrible times on this planet. But luckily we matured. Maybe atheist states need to mature too?
However, I have never seen nor cannot imagine a leader rallying people to his cause by arguing: 'Join me in the name of not believing in a god...let us kill and maim in the name of rejecting superstition!'
Well it happend, as Adam pointed out. But it is simpler then that: You cannot rallying people for the support of "nothing". As I wrote before, leaders now claim to be offended, to be attacked, to destroy mass destruction weapons, to fight for or against communism or demcracy, etc. pp.
I have conceded that religion has some beneficial attributes. You, on the other hand, seem to be in denial about the costs. You resort to cheap and invalid arguments to avoid recognizing that religion not only often demands violence but is also a very handy, reliable means for leaders to rally and motivate the sheep into committing acts of incredible violence and brutality.
Yes, humans can no doubt be and often are motivated to such behaviour by other factors. So what? Eliminate the public use of religion, or deprive it of its power over the populace, and we will have reduced the power of the leaders to manipulate their people. Isn't that a worthy goal
Maybe my writing or your reading ability needs a brush up. Here where I live religion does not demand violence. Not a single religion does. I know that there are some "hate priests" somewhere. But sorry, they are a very small minority.
I conceded more then once that religion was abused to make a war creditable and to make it legitimate. I can and will always concede that the theory of the religion and the reality of what had been done is often not matching.
However since ancient times wars had been made between people of the same religion or without religion too. So there had always been a simple way to manipulate the people and motivate the sheep.
So basically I just claim that atheism does not lead to a superior, more peaceful and better world. If you compare the realities you can see no upside, nor can you see one if you compare the theories.
In theory both religion and atheism should lead to love and understanding. In practice, both ways of living failed so far to reach the final goal.
Religions failed much more often then atheism so far. But religion was (and is) the dominating way of living in the world- so just out of the pure number, it must have failed more often. Before the raise of communism, I can not remember any states with a significant amount of atheists in history. Can you? So all the cruelties in the dark ages could not have done from atheists. They simply did not exist at that times....