We can be a bit parochial over here. Most of the rest of the world (i.e. not ACBL-land) scores 2 or a win, 1 for a tie otherwise zero when scoring matchpoint events (including BAM). That's all very well for ACBL events but is confusing for vugraphs of events run by the WBF (or anything "over there"). Could an option be added to allow "international" style scoring for these events?
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Matchpoint and BAM scoring for WBF events Getting in line with the way the rest of the world scores
Posted 2013-August-11, 23:41
BBO displays matchpoint scores as percentages, not actual matchpoints, so I don't think this applies to them, only BAM. In that case, it would probably make more sense to make it a user option, not a setting for the vugraph event. That way, spectators would all see the scores in the style they're used to.
Posted 2013-August-12, 01:31
it will be confusing if commentators refer to acbl points while the software shows international ones .
anyway we shouldn't call it international mps that could be confused with imps
anyway we shouldn't call it international mps that could be confused with imps

The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket
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