Enter what I hear referred to as the “Secret Bridge Olympics.” Apparently the “Secret Bridge Olympics” takes place once every four years. The last one took place in France in November 2009. New inventions/gadgets etc get tested by experts. Participation in the “Secret Bridge Olympics” is upon invite only. All people who are invited must have some form of material to be published and willing to share it with those present. All new systems/gadgets etc are then put through the test and if accepted, get published and a name is then giving to the system/gadget. This is where Michael’s, Splinters, Smolen, Staymen etc were tested and accepted.
Your contribution (new system/gadget etc) must be handed in on the first day on arrival. Then commences a 3 day tournament played with pre-dealt hands which meet the requirements of each new system/gadget that was submitted. Usually around 250 boards are dealt. New systems/gadget notes are handed out to each player and every time a player chooses to use one of the new systems/gadgets a note is made and the player then rates the system/gadget on a scale of 1 to 3 –
1 = no good, scrap, dump
2 = may work but needs more thought
3 = system/gadget works, no need to make any changes
The more points your new system/gadget receives from the invitees to the tournament, naturally the better.
Upon arrival the new system/gadget notes must already be translated into in 4 different languages. It saves translation time during the event. Languages of preference = English, German, Chinese, Turkish, Italian, Polish and Spanish in that order.
The problem however is receiving an invitation to this tournament.
The next “Secret Bridge Olympics” is scheduled to take place in 2013. I have no idea where or when this is to be. If any member of the BBO Forums has already received and invite, then how about taking this DOOM defence of mine along with you and let the world’s best players see how good or bad it is.
First prize = get me an invitation as well.
Second prize = you have DOOM tested for me.