32519, on 2013-October-14, 23:05, said:
How many theories are we dealing with? I know of –
1. The BIG BANG Theory
2. The Theory of Evolution
What are the others?
32519, on 2013-October-15, 05:42, said:
From MikeH's silence, is it safe to say that these are the only two theories that we are dealing with here?
billw55, on 2013-October-15, 06:23, said:
For the sake of argument, yes, let's limit our discussion to just those two. What is your point?
32519, on 2013-October-15, 07:12, said:
Can anyone spot the problem here? And I am not referring to the word “Theory.” That of itself is already a very thorny issue for the MikeH’s of the world. I am referring to the much bigger glaring issue at stake here?
You be the first one to answer.
WellSpyder, on 2013-October-15, 07:45, said:
I think the problem here is that no-one else really knows what you mean by "dealing with", so cannot answer your question. If you tell us where you are trying to get to with this then we may be able to help or hinder you getting there!
billw55, on 2013-October-15, 07:45, said:
I grow weary of vague hints and non-answers.
Trinidad, on 2013-October-15, 07:46, said:
The answers to your questions are: 1) No. 2) That is not a question.
Vampyr, on 2013-October-15, 08:31, said:
I don't think that anyone knows what the big glaring issue is. Why don't you tell us?
kenberg, on 2013-October-15, 08:48, said:
Or not. It's ok either way.
WellSpyder, on 2013-October-15, 11:55, said:
I have been waiting to see whether there may be a response to the latest round of comments suggesting 325 actually explains what he is trying to get at rather than posting apparently semi-random and relatively meaningless questions...
Can you really not see what’s at stake here? I think MikeH saw it immediately. I had a peek over the wall to see what he is up to. He is frantically working on all sorts of ideas TO ENSURE THAT THE LHC BRINGS IN THE DESIRED RESULT.
And therein lies your clue: Think LHC.