helene_t, on 2014-March-10, 10:05, said:
I (a little naughty) put the vegetarian in on purpose. It was easy for me since where you and I call meat "meat" my Indian friends call it "non-veg". One can make a negative out of a positive, but perhaps more important to remember: One can make a positive out of a negative.
For me the key thing is that on this issue I do not want to be positively identified as an atheist. I want to be negatively identified as "non-religious" or a "non-believer". Why? Because not only am I "not a believer", I am also "not an atheist". Perhaps you could call me an "I don't know and I don't care"-ist, a "God? What's that? And what do we need this for?"-ist or a "Live and let live"-ist. But of course, you would first have to find some Greek or Latin translation to these terms, otherwise it would all be meaningless.
