You bid 2♠ before realizing that 2♠ is not natural but instead showing clubs, since you play system on after interferene with 2♣. Partner makes a slightly delayed alert, explains 2♠ as showing diamonds, and bids 3♦.
I understand that regardless of you realizing that 2♠ was not natural, partner's alert means you are not allowed to wake up. Partner's 3♦ (after you show clubs) is undiscussed, as only 2NT (bad hand for clubs) and 3♣ (good hand for clubs) are defined in the system. After transfer to a minor, a new suit by responder shows shortness. It is not certain what a 3♦ would show if 2♠ was natural (as it would be by agreement if 2♣ had shown hearts and another suit for example), but some sort of game try in spades seems likely, though 3♠ would show that as well.
What is the ethical bid now? Where would you expect to end up?