National Pairs Final. Contract 3NT by West. Table Result 3NT+1.
North led the two of hearts against 3NT and West won the nine with the ace, and played a diamond to the ace, and continued with the queen of diamonds, South discarding a small spade, normal attitude. North won with the king and played a second heart to the ten and queen. West cashed four rounds of clubs, pitching a spade and a diamond from dummy, while North pitched all three spades. Now declarer led a heart to the king, and South discarded a spade. North claimed at this point, stating "the last two tricks to me", facing his cards. West accepted this, but dummy immediately objected, indicating that North could be thrown in, either after cashing one more top diamond, or immediately. North thought dummy could not object, and the director was called. The director established that South had shown out of both red suits, and West was aware of which cards North had, but had not seen the endplay. West agreed that she probably would have played the top diamonds, but she had not decided on a play. The TD ruled that to throw North in was not a "normal" play, and, given the seniority of the TD, I wonder if he realised who had actually claimed (as I would not have awarded West three tricks if she had claimed)! Two tricks were awarded to North-South and East-West have appealed. How would you rule? The ending, with the lead in dummy (East) to save you work (South had discarded on both red suits):