olegru, on 2014-July-11, 09:13, said:
Thanks, now I feel much better
Sorry, just to make sure.
What would be adjustment in case of 3 cards ending, like that:
Story is the same.
Contract 4
♥ from South
West plays club, East ruff by Ace of trumps and continue the ace of clubs. West ruffs at trick 12 and take the last trick.
After board is completed, dummy called for director (other player did not notice anything wrong).
On that second example, Ed would seem to want to restore equity..by allowing the same 3 tricks to the defense. But, revoke laws only mention "equity" when the revoke penalty is insufficient to restore the result the NOS would have achieved without the revoke (TD makes a further adjustment).
So, here, none of that applies. The defender who revoked won the trick with his revoke. Then he established the revoke. The defense won tricks after the revoke. 2-trick PENALTY...equity is not involved.
The revoke was not at trick 12, even though the establishing trick was trick 12; so the "trick 12" thing no longer applies as it would have in your first scenario.