your rebid?
Posted 2014-July-25, 10:52
2m promises 4+ cards and GF.
Opening 1NT with 5 cards major need 3 cards OM, and 1/3 honor in doubleton.
You hold AQx AQxxx KJx xx, so you opened 1H.
Partner responded 2D.
your rebid?
Posted 2014-July-25, 11:10
If you don't know what that bid is, then this is a good example of the trouble one gets into by putting hcp location (1/3 honor in doubleton) ahead of more important things like shape and strength.
Posted 2014-July-25, 11:28
Posted 2014-July-25, 11:46
Posted 2014-July-25, 11:46
In the book fo Max Hardy, you could not open 1NT.
The question arised.
3D need 4 cards. On the other hand, if the declarer had to ruff with your trump, the entry management of trump may be in danger.
How about the 2H rebid? Of course 2H promises 12~14 HCP only, and the opener could show strength later?
Posted 2014-July-25, 13:01
If pard rebids 3nt I should be able to rebid 4nt to show this type hand.
If pard rebids 3h slam try then no problem.
I expect pard to have 5d on this auction very often.
a typical minimum hand for partner will be:
Posted 2014-July-25, 19:33
Posted 2014-July-25, 19:42
Posted 2014-July-25, 22:11
qlpsecond, on 2014-July-25, 11:46, said:
In his book Hardy tried to please everybody and ended up digging systemic holes in the process. For instance, his openers were 12.5+ HCP, so they were both sound and light at the same time. His 1NT was 15.5-18 so that hogs could happily steal their usual 1 HCP to the 16-18 NT. This requirement of 5-3 majors for a 5-card major 1NT opener falls into a similar category.
In short, some of the stuff there is clearly political and doesn't care much for the aftermath rebid problems. I wouldn't take those anti-systemic recommendations too seriously

Posted 2014-July-26, 05:42
trevahound, on 2014-July-25, 11:46, said:
I agree with the first part. If you strangely don't open 1NT because of the doubleton diamond, rebidding that suit seems to defy sanity, looking at the two decisions together. The obvious consistent option is the 2H rebid, living with what might be a Moysian contract and the right contract anyway.
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2014-July-26, 07:18
Posted 2014-July-27, 04:48
Zelandakh, on 2014-July-26, 07:18, said:
I thought that for people who play these methods 3NT shows 15-17 - weaker or stronger hands rebid 2NT.
London UK
Posted 2014-July-27, 06:23
gordontd, on 2014-July-27, 04:48, said:
That is problematic because there is no way of checking back which side suit was the problem. I envisage the weaker balanced hands rebidding 2M followed by NT. But the OP ought to know their system better than either of us and I think some additional details of the version being used would certainly be appropriate.
Posted 2014-August-06, 21:08
whereagles, on 2014-July-25, 11:10, said:
If you don't know what that bid is, then this is a good example of the trouble one gets into by putting hcp location (1/3 honor in doubleton) ahead of more important things like shape and strength.
I agree with this.
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."