lamford, on 2014-July-27, 16:44, said:
The theoretically best line against perfect defenders is to play the jack. However, that requires them to false-card half the time with 9x with North, and two-thirds of the time with 10xx with South, playing the ten on the second round. This could therefore be the one-sixth of the time that North false-carded and South did not. However, Occam's razor suggests that it is more likely that neither of them did, in which case you should play the ace. This gathers in the queen and wins 12 IMPS. If neither has false-carded, then Q9 doubleton is as likely as 109 doubleton, but the latter is reduced by half because of restricted choice.
the evidence has pointed to the opps original holdings as (we need these in order to have any play)
lho rho
T9 Q73
Q9 T73
The play of the 37 or 73 from rho is actually a pretty crummy play if they held T73 since showing the 2 lowest
cards eliminates a possible holding from consideration in their partner's hand (ie 95 or 93 whichever low card
they conceal) which would increase the odds rho started with the Q. IMHO the only reason for such a play (other than
lack of attention) is the MONTY HALL RULE rho could not reveal what was behind door number 3 because it was the grand
prize take the finesse. rho is also favored to hold the queen for a couple of other reasons they started with 3 hearts
vs 2 and the opps HCP are too one sided if lho has the Q along with the already shown AK of spades.