Can double or just pass Bid system
Posted 2014-July-31, 03:17
Posted 2014-July-31, 03:27
I would pass with the South hand but dbl is not bad.
Posted 2014-July-31, 03:32
helene_t, on 2014-July-31, 03:27, said:
I would pass with the South hand but dbl is not bad. After a double by S and a redouble by W, North hopefully can bid a natural 1NT. If West doubles this, EW are in troubles.
OTOH if South passes, West might well get to play 1NT undoubled. Maybe South can double it, depending on what that double would mean in their system.
Sorry for first time to using diagram edit , now the it is right
Posted 2014-July-31, 03:55
A disaster for NS at pairs - but hardly their fault. (2H can go off on the inspired lead of CA, but D10 is more likely.)
Perhaps at pairs and white-on-red North should try a light prebalancing 2H?
Posted 2014-July-31, 08:09
Posted 2014-July-31, 09:25
A good reference hand to discuss with frequent partners.
Posted 2014-August-01, 04:15
With a bare bones minimum double hand and the likelyhood of ending up with 7 trumps, I'd pass. If I had a slightly stronger hand or one more card in a red suit, I'd double.
Posted 2014-August-01, 04:52
wang_w_d, on 2014-July-31, 03:17, said:
I do not consider the 1S bid to be a psyche, he player has 5/4 11 count, to pass that is very old school.
I would double to show a sign of life, as depending on methods by opponents, it may go 1S-3S (0-6 w/4) at this point we would have a stiff spade in partners hand and 23 on our side and no way to compete. It also may go 1S-P-2S-P- now doubling in isn't so great and letting them play 2S won't fare well either. Give partner a chance in case cards are in his/her hand.
On this layout if we pass it will go 1NT by many and then 2D - all pass. Now they find the correct strain, pretty hard to muster a x of 2D with better defense than S. If we double partner will be able to easily balance 2H, this layout is not what we are trying to solve imho, its the majority of hands.
Posted 2014-August-01, 07:10
Trump Echo, on 2014-August-01, 04:15, said:
♠763 ♥A52 ♦AQ63 ♣QJ8?
Posted 2014-August-02, 03:56
Note the flatness of the hand and the lack of a 4th heart normally promised by a double (unless you are strong enough to bid an other suit)
Worse the opps are bidding the boss suit.
The hand seems more suited to defense than offence so a clear pass especially vulnerable, though it's more tempting at favourable vulnerability.
When EW have a spade fit all you will do by bidding is place the O/S high cards for declarer.
Partnership understanding is key here - partner should know that you may be fixed for a bid with a flat hand and come in if he possibly can.
1S-P-1NT/2D-2H or from North may go a bundle occasionally but hits the jackpot here and also when EW are best in 3NT provided a heart lead isnt found.
Posted 2014-August-02, 07:56
Trump Echo, on 2014-August-01, 15:17, said:
Change a spade to a heart and everyone would double without question. That is somewhat different to the case of changing any black card to a red one (NB your examples change 2 black cards to red ones).
Posted 2014-August-02, 11:56
Posted 2014-August-05, 15:24
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2014-August-05, 15:29
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2014-August-08, 11:58
Zelandakh, on 2014-August-02, 07:56, said:
You say that like changing a spade to a heart is a small difference heh
Posted 2014-August-08, 18:04
PhantomSac, on 2014-August-08, 11:58, said:
That was the point.

Posted 2014-August-10, 19:39
I want partner to compete in his/her long suit.
My hand is pure in the sense that all HCP are outside ♠.
I do not intend to bid again.
I will double with a pure 10-11 HCP and 4441.
12 with 4432
13+ with 3334
Trust demands integrity, balance and collaboration.
District 11
Unit 124
Steve Moese
Posted 2014-August-10, 20:27
SteveMoe, on 2014-August-10, 19:39, said:
I want partner to compete in his/her long suit.
My hand is pure in the sense that all HCP are outside ♠.
I do not intend to bid again.
I will double with a pure 10-11 HCP and 4441.
12 with 4432
13+ with 3334
I think partner being a passed hand should change this, I'm usually with you. Also Xing 1S should be slightly more conservative than doubling say, 1C (I would X 1C if you reversed the blacks even opp a passed hand).