MP, best hand south, instant, pro gib 30
My 6C bid may be poorly judged. Maybe I should pass 4H. Maybe I should find some other bid, such as 4S, although who knows where that would end up - we would already be way too high.
But I don't think that North should be bidding 3C. 2N I can live with, but 3C GF? (or should I say WTF?)
My initial instinct was just to bid 3N over 3C - Hamman principle tends to work even better in robot tourneys than in real life.
But I thought, what the heck, if responder has a slam try I am not discouraged. I can temporise with 3D, that promises Club support and denies Heart support. A bit worried that it may make the defence to 3N easier, but well within system so not expecting a major disaster.
When GIB bids 4H I am thinking that he has a 6-4 slam try. He must surely have 6 Hearts, and without a slam try he would not bother to show 4 Clubs on the way.
So, long and short of it is I expected a 6-4 slam try only to find a 5-4 hand not even worth GF. Added to which he has already advertised the Diamond shortage, prior to my suggesting 3N.
Incidentally, perhaps Georgi or someone can clarify, what would be the difference between 3D and 3S (over 3C)? I think that they both promise Club support and doubleton Heart.