I'm bidding 5 ♣. Partner can't know if I have anything in ♣ at all or anything at all. So partner ought to bidding to make or playing maybe for one helping card or so in our hand. Based on the opponent's bidding, they probably don't have more than 9 or 10 ♥. So our hand has what looks to be at least 2 cover cards for partner (♠ K and ruffing value in hearts). The ♦ Q is also potentially useful.
raise or pass
Posted 2014-November-27, 18:04
MrAce, on 2014-November-23, 10:42, said:
We can argue whether this hand should start with 1 NT overcall or start dbl planning to show stronger balanced hand with stopper than 1 NT overcall. But I highly doubt starting double and planning to bid clubs, especially at high level in the auction, would be the choice of decent players. 5332 hand is the last thing to expect from pd for these calls he made at the table to be honest.
I have sympathy though, perhaps he thought his hand was too good for 1 NT overcall so he started dbl and then later after unexpected 3♥ he naively thought you would let him play 4♣ when he predicted the club fit+stiff heart in our hand from the auction.
I agree with this. 4C is the sort of bid you see from weak players on line. The raise, in fact a cue raise for me, is obvious on the responding hand. Responder cannot make a sensible decision if partner bids like this.
"The King of Hearts a broadsword bears, the Queen of Hearts a rose." W. H. Auden.