I've previously posted a topic on using relays after Kaplan Inversion, when also playing Flannery: http://bridgebase.co...ned-with-relay/
Now partner and I are thinking of dropping Flannery, so here's a structure I've come up with. We play limited openings (11-16) where 1H is 5+ hearts and 11-13 if balanced. The relays could probably be more effective, but I think they're pretty "natural" in terms of relays. You can not always relay the exact shape in this version. I'm including all of responder's initial options after the 1H opening.
1S = "Forcing NT". May be limit raise with 3 hearts, a weak heart raise, negative with 0-4 spades or (semi)balanced INV+ (or just a GF hand wishing to use relays)
1N = 5+ spades, F1. If 3+ hearts then GF.
2CD = GF, may have 3+ hearts.
2H = Constructive 3 card raise, 8-10
2S = Splinter in any suit, 4+ support, about 8-16 hcp
2N = GF, 4+ support. Usually balanced.
3C = 4 card limit raise or a minimum GF hand (may have 3 hearts)
3D = Mixed raise
3H = Preemptive
3S = Void
3N = "Pudding raise", 3 hearts and 4333 minimum GF
4CD = Void
4H = Preemptive
Now for the interesting part, 1H--1S:
1N = 4 spades or any max (Gazzilli-like)
2CD = 3+ suit, minimum
2H = 6+ suit, minimum
2S = 6-5, some extras
2N = We play this as solid heart suit, if playing natural then this should probably be 18-19
3CD = At least 5-5, medium strength
3H = 7 card suit, medium strength
1H--1S; 1N---
2C = ART. GF vs strong hand
...2D = Strong with a 4+ minor
......2H = R.
.........2S = 4+ clubs + shortness
.........2N = No shortness, so 2-5-(42), relay to find out
.........3C = 4 diamonds + shortness
.........3D = 5+ diamonds
.........3H = 6 hearts, 4 diamonds
.........3S = 0-5-4-4, better diamonds
...2H = 4 spades, minimum
......2S = To play
......2N = R. (see below)
......3CD = INV
......3M = INV
...2S = 4 spades, strong
......2N = R.
.........3CD = Singleton
.........3H = 4-5-2-2
.........3S = 4-5-0-4
.........3N = 4-5-4-0
.........4CD = Void, 4-6-(30) or 4-7-(20)
...2N = 6+ hearts, no shortness, strong
...3CD = 6+ hearts, shortness, strong
...3H = 6+ hearts, spade shortness, strong
...3S = 1-7-1-4, strong
...3N = 1-7-4-1. strong
...4CD = 7+ hearts strong, void
...4H = 7+ hearts strong, void spades
2D = Weak, 4 spades (could perhaps also be used with invitational hands with 4 spades)
2H = Weak, 2+ hearts
2S = Weak, 3 spades, 0-1 hearts
2N = Weak, 5-5 minors, 0-1 hearts
3CD = Weak, 6+ minor, 0-1 hearts
3H = Limit raise
When opener doesn't rebid 1NT, 2S (or 3S if rebid at 3-level, or 2NT if opener rebids 2S) is used as the relay:
1H--1S; 2m--2S;
2N = No shortness, so 5422 or 5332. Relay to clarify.
3C = 4-c minor + shortness
3D = 5+ minor
3H = 6-4
3S = 5440
1H--1S; 2H--2S;
2N = No shortness
3CD = Shortness
3H = Short spades
3S = 1-7-1-4
3N = 1-7-4-1
4CD = 7+ hearts, void
4H = 7+ hearts, spade void
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Kaplan Inversion + Gazzilli and relays
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