Posted 2025-March-17, 23:44
Anyone else unhappy at how much MAGA has wiped off our savings so far.
I have a word for what is going on but some people do not like the word
Isn't a bit sad when the US drops from it's wonderful prime investment destination
A bit sad not knowing who is more communist between China, EU and USA
Just hoping my funds managers can use MAGA to good effect like they did Covid
But let's hope the world can avoid going down the same hole they did 100 years ago
The never ending cycle of capital theft, militarism and national socialism
Strange thing, despite all this pulling the rug out of trusted allies around the world, we are supposed to keep sikning our money into the defence industries of Europe and USA. Why? All a bit manipulated situation. Destroy all the good investments, make people suffer and repalce it with war
Sorry for ranting but I find it irritating, arrogant and patehtically ad that at a time the USA and others are undermining their most loyal allies they keep telling us (and some people listen) that we need to keep buying their weapons to follow them into other ill-advised wars. Hopefully this time our little (relatively0 country can learn to stand up for itself and not keep groevlling to the war loving Europeans and Americans
We are coming up to an important day in Australia which strangely has gone fromm remembering the ridiculous brutality of our service men and women being sacrified for petty conflicts on the other side of the world, to being lectured by everyone that we may have to do it again. Sorry wrong language. Our brave service men and women saving our allies around the world from their stupidity
Not sure who our designated enemy will be this time. But most are a bit bigger than us
Actually the perpetual cycle of capital theft and national socialism makes me think of one reading of capitalism sowing the seeds of it's own destruction. That it was cyclical. And would not reuslt in communist utopia
The meek wil inherit the world. Are the meek that lazy and paraistic. Blessed are the peacemakers but apparently peace is achieved by nationalism and arming ourselves to the hilt