barmar, on 2018-March-03, 23:45, said:
When he had the listening session with the high school students, he was all about arming teachers.
A few days letter he met with legislators, and accused them of being afraid of the NRA. He advocated increased gun control, including violating due process to take guns away from potentially violent people.
Then he met with NRA leaders, and his views shifted again, they were very happy with the results of the meeting.
We're all familiar with politicians who flip-flop, but it's usually over the course of years. Trump seems to have more stances on some issues than there are days of the week.
It has been immensely destructive. I believe that many people are much like me. With regard to guns, I can think of places in this country where if I absolutely had no choice, if I had to live or work there, I would probably buy a gun. But surely, and again I think most everyone would agree, we need to fix that situation rather than arm everyone. Yes there are some people who, through career choice, are thoroughly trained in the proper use of a gun, who are mentally capable of using it carefully and as a last resort, and so on. But mostly I see that the people who most advocate arming everyone are the same people that I would least like to see having a gun. They are way over-confident about how safe having a gun makes them. What, me worry, I got me a gun. Well, if the other guy also has a gun then there is a good chance that someone dies and someone goes to jail. We need to do better, and having everyone packing a rod is not the way to go about it. I do not in any way consider this to be some wild liberal view.
And Trump hopping around like a butterfly from one view to another is not helping. Not helping with guns, and not with anything really.