47E1 is Clear, right? Hypothetical
Posted 2015-October-09, 07:05
The following are indisputable facts. I know this because I made them up.
Declarer has misled his RHO into believing it was his lead, and RHO leads.
LHO actually should have been on lead.
RHO is my SB. Paul isn't the only one allowed to have his own SB. In presence of the TD, RHO states, "I may retract my lead without rectification, but the law says 'may retract' and therefore I am not required to retract my lead. I choose to lead this card."
Declarer, however, is aspiring to be a SB in his own right. His position is based on:
"A lead or play may not be accepted by his LHO in these circumstances." This can be interpreted two ways; but either way, Declarer claims the lead must be retracted.
If 'may' means Declarer has the option not to accept the lead, he chooses that option. However, interpreted differently it could mean he is not allowed to accept RHO's lead and therefore would be unable to continue playing the hand after that lead -- for that would be accepting the lead.
Which SB wins?
Posted 2015-October-09, 07:15
London UK
Posted 2015-October-09, 07:46
gordontd, on 2015-October-09, 07:15, said:
It should say "must be retracted without rectification", of course, but I have long given up on the lawmakers correctly phrasing the laws, or in correctly using "may" and "must".
Posted 2015-October-09, 07:47
gordontd, on 2015-October-09, 07:15, said:
That indeed would be an interesting alternative available to the person who has made the lead.
Posted 2015-October-09, 07:52
The funny thing, though, is that retraction of the lead incurs no rectification. Non-retraction of the lead does not have that same benefit. Thus, a completely different concept is this:
Say Declarer's RHO leads the club Ace because Dummy said, "Your lead." RHO has the option of retracting his lead with no further rectification. However, that option is declined. Now, RHO has insisted upon a lead out of turn, which is apparently his right.
Declarer now normally has 5 options. However, two of the normal options are to accept the lead and declare or to accept the lead and have Dummy declare. Those two options, however, cannot be exercised. So, Declarer is down to three options.
Because that interpretation is fun, I am certain that I would advocate for it.
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2015-October-09, 10:21
aguahombre, on 2015-October-09, 07:05, said:
The following are indisputable facts. I know this because I made them up.
Declarer has misled his RHO into believing it was his lead, and RHO leads.
LHO actually should have been on lead.
RHO is my SB. Paul isn't the only one allowed to have his own SB. In presence of the TD, RHO states, "I may retract my lead without rectification, but the law says 'may retract' and therefore I am not required to retract my lead. I choose to lead this card."
Declarer, however, is aspiring to be a SB in his own right. His position is based on:
"A lead or play may not be accepted by his LHO in these circumstances." This can be interpreted two ways; but either way, Declarer claims the lead must be retracted.
If 'may' means Declarer has the option not to accept the lead, he chooses that option. However, interpreted differently it could mean he is not allowed to accept RHO's lead and therefore would be unable to continue playing the hand after that lead -- for that would be accepting the lead.
Which SB wins?
The intention of Law 47E1 is that the misled offender's choice (whether or not) to retract the lead out of turn takes precedence over his LHO's right to accept the lead out of turn.
Posted 2015-October-09, 10:22
aguahombre, on 2015-October-09, 07:05, said:
I would send them both out behind the barn, and tell them whichever one comes back on his own feet wins.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2015-October-09, 10:46
Posted 2015-October-10, 14:43
lamford, on 2015-October-09, 07:46, said:
I thought that was the intent, but are there any minutes or official interpretations to back that up? Pran (below) has decided what the intent of the law is, and his proclamation is the opposite. I don't know if he has anything to back that up, either.
Posted 2015-October-11, 01:38
aguahombre, on 2015-October-10, 14:43, said:
1: Law 47E1 does not say:
A lead out of turn (or play of a card) must be retracted, however without further rectification, if the player was mistakenly informed by an opponent that it was his turn to lead or play. A lead or play may not be accepted by his LHO in these circumstances.
The use of the word "may" implies that the player (i.e. the offender) has the choice whether or not to retract the card.
2: My training as Director. (I haven't decided anything!)
Posted 2015-October-30, 22:23
Here is part of what I wrote:
"So there is no question about declarer not being allowed to accept the lead and from Law 47E, the lead “MAY be retracted without further rectification”.
But can the defense in any way allow the incorrect lead to stand (assuming presumed declarer did not start to face any cards as if he was dummy)? Or are their no options at all so the incorrect lead must be withdrawn and the identity of the card originally led being authorized information for the defense and unauthorized information for declarer?"
I was informed the ACBL Laws Commission is going to take a look at this one. No answer back - yet.
Posted 2015-November-04, 10:20
BudH, on 2015-October-30, 22:23, said:
Here is part of what I wrote:
"So there is no question about declarer not being allowed to accept the lead and from Law 47E, the lead “MAY be retracted without further rectification”.
But can the defense in any way allow the incorrect lead to stand (assuming presumed declarer did not start to face any cards as if he was dummy)? Or are their no options at all so the incorrect lead must be withdrawn and the identity of the card originally led being authorized information for the defense and unauthorized information for declarer?"
I was informed the ACBL Laws Commission is going to take a look at this one. No answer back - yet.
Hold your breath, Bud. They will get right on it. If I remember correctly, Gary Hann has been waiting for a reply to one question since 1979.