My Town
Posted 2016-May-08, 04:05
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2016-May-08, 04:09
Posted 2016-May-08, 12:25
Posted 2016-August-26, 02:42
Posted 2016-September-28, 10:29
Reuters27 September 2016ROMA (Reuters) - The G7 Finance in 2017 will take place in the city of Bari.It has been announced on Twitter this morning by Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan. "After Sendai 2016, in 2017 the G7 Finance will be held in Bari . a unique opportunity to discuss growth employment inequality, "writes the minister.This summit is scheduled from 11 to 13 on May. Italy in 2017 will have the presidency of G7. On site of news Reuters in Italian. We welcome comments on (via Yahoo News 27/9/2016 h. 12:32)
Posted 2016-October-30, 03:29
Posted 2016-October-30, 09:47
Lovera, on 2016-October-30, 03:29, said:
I've lived in California for 30 years and we've had our share of tremors, although nearly all of the major ones I have been experienced were from 1988 - 1996.
Its just part of life here, and when they happen its always alarming, but you just hope you aren't near the epicenter, or in an old building with unreinforced masonry or a parking garage.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2016-October-31, 02:27
Phil, on 2016-October-30, 09:47, said:
Its just part of life here, and when they happen its always alarming, but you just hope you aren't near the epicenter, or in an old building with unreinforced masonry or a parking garage.
(translation about NESSUNA PREVISIONE=) NOTHING IN "We are not able to predict when and how this earthquake sequence will wane, and we can not theoretically exclude other strong earthquakes even more than those that occurred to date in the areas adjacent to those affected in recent months," says the National research Council - Institute of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering. According to the National Research Council "if one part this sequence is highly disturbing, on the other hand, the lateral propagation causes that occur a series of strong earthquakes but not very strong. Much worse would be if all these segments of faults (Amatrice ,Visso, Norcia) they had moved all together generating an earthquake measuring at least 7.0. " The one that generated the earthquake in Rieti and the provinces of Perugia and Macerata is a very complex system of faults. "If we study the San Andreas Fault, which runs through California to 1300 km, we are faced with a continuous object - name Gianluca Valensise, coordinator of the Management Committee of the seismological projects INGV -. When an earthquake occurs along that fault line, to take steps are different portions of the same system. Study faults fragment like those dell'Appenino is instead completely different. " Small fissures, but "linked together in a dynamic relationship", which is what kicked off the latest telluric sequences. This'' domino effect 'of which you speak is all here. "It should be said that if on one hand this sequence is worrying, on the other hand, the lateral propagation causes occur a series of strong earthquakes but not very strong - continues Messina -. Much worse would be if all these segments of the fault they moved together, generating an earthquake measuring at least 7 ". [The problem is that this eartquacke seems endless with negative previsions about future and it is not good for people that have no time to be quite necessarly (it is said of 5000 monumemts falled down, 40.000 people out of own houses and many old building destruited in these little towns)]. http://www.lastampa....VRJ/pagina.html
Posted 2016-October-31, 02:53
My good wishes to the people affected -- be strong!
Posted 2016-October-31, 03:05
shyams, on 2016-October-31, 02:53, said:
My good wishes to the people affected -- be strong!
It is what talking about in these days. My aim is to have possibility to know seeing what is happened. Videos speak better that words and is not necessary any translation. Thanks.
Posted 2017-April-09, 06:19
10 Most Amazing Destinations on Southern Italy:
Italy's Riviera: Cinque Terre:
10 Top Tourist Attractions on Italy:
Middle Italy:Marche:
Puglia: the 5 most glamour beaches
Posted 2017-April-29, 02:33
Posted 2017-May-11, 03:14
Posted 2018-April-22, 06:46
Posted 2018-June-05, 08:37
Posted 2019-January-03, 10:17