How improve play of hand?
Posted 2016-December-12, 19:19
I hope this question isn't too general, my apologies if so. I'm a relative newbie, and I like to play the robot duplicate(MP & IMP) games. Gives me a priceless opportunity to compare my play against better players on the same hands!
What I note is that my bidding isn't too bad, I get roughly the same bids as the better players roughly 75% of the time. I'm working on improving this aspect and making progress.
At the same time, the results show that I'm getting clobbered on the play of the hands. Every time I'm pleased that I've made a 3NT contract, the better players will make +2 or 3.
I've worked through the Seagram/Bird book and learned a lot from it. Other than more reading and practice, can anyone offer any suggestions of how I might improve in this area? I DO make a plan up front for every hand, but when I look at the results, most of the time I don't have a clue as to how the better players have squeezed out the extra tricks. I do know that I'm not yet great at analyzing the bidding and identifying the 'danger hand', but so often there isn't any information if the bidding.
I apologize if I'm wasting anyone's time, but any suggestions would be appreciated!
Posted 2016-December-12, 23:14
Also, on the BBO website, there is a section called My Hands. You can load up your recent hands and check the travellers and find out how your fellow competitors played the hand.
Posted 2016-December-13, 00:24
You have one resource available that, as I say given the time and will, could serve you. You have already noted hands where "inexplicably" other players are making more tricks. You could take the trouble to convert "inexplicably" to "explicably" by reviewing how those others played the hands, seeing where they depart from your play, and see if you can work out why their deviation is superior. It is not always an easy task. Some hands will be easier than others to analyse. On some hands the bidding may affect the choices of defenders in declarer's favour, and you may have to check whether the bidding was identical to yours. Ignore hands where just a few players beat you, in favour of those where the entire room beat you in overtricks. If you come across hands where you still cannot see why the other tables acted that way, enlist the help of a friend who is an experienced player.
This kind of in depth review way, depending on your temperament, be more memorable than the occasional book illustration and thereby lend itself to practical application in future.
MyHands is your friend.
[EDIT] sorry, seems I largely repeated what manu said more briefly
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m
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"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2016-December-13, 06:16
Different methods resonate with different people.
It is also about being greedy! Maybe you mentally turn off once the contract is guaranteed, while others look for overtricks
Posted 2016-December-13, 06:16
Different methods resonate with different people.
It is also about being greedy! Maybe you mentally turn off once the contract is guaranteed, while others look for overtricks
Posted 2016-December-13, 06:21
Also, if you do play at a club offer one of the better players a drink after the session, and use the opportunity to ask for advice on a few of the hands.
Posted 2016-December-13, 06:23
COUNT!! Are you in the correct contract?
At NT count sure winners first.
At suit count sure losers first.
Then figure out how to maximize the results.
If a card MUST be in a specific opponents hand in order to like it is there!
Posted 2016-December-13, 08:57
"Card Play Technique" is an absolute classic and fun to read, I recommend that to everyone who wants to learn practical play and defence. Both of these resources will get you thinking along the right lines. Enjoy!
And thirdly, as others have suggested, if your result is markedly worse than others' on a particular hand on BBO, you can quickly click through the play and see what they did differently.
Posted 2016-December-13, 11:41
Of course there are plenty of basic books around. Anything by Bird, Mollo, Reece and several others is worth reading. Check out the Chess and Bridge website.
Posted 2016-December-13, 11:50
2. Count. Everything. Its a pain in the ass at first, but you will get better with practice.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2016-December-13, 11:59
Posted 2016-December-13, 13:49
Obviously more reading and analysis will help, but if you really want to improve fast your best bet is to find the toughest IRL tournament in your area and play in it!
Posted 2016-December-13, 14:31
WesleyC, on 2016-December-13, 13:49, said:
Obviously more reading and analysis will help, but if you really want to improve fast your best bet is to find the toughest IRL tournament in your area and play in it!
Disagree with this sentiment pretty strongly - Id guess youre kidding AAMOF.
I hadnt played one live session until I had scoured about three bridge books over a two year period and my card play and bidding was better than about 80-90% of the players on my first day of play.
I liken this to a 20 handicap golfer who plays every day and never improves unless they take lessons or initiates an intelligent practice routine.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2016-December-13, 14:49
Bill Root How to Declare a Bridge Hand and
Mollo/Gardner Card Play Technique
after that there are dozens of worthwhile material from authors like Terence Reese, Hugh Kelsey, Mike Lawrence, Eddie Kantar among others.
Agree with Phil if you really master the content in just these you'll get into top 20%, better than players who have played decades without reading.
When you look into the tourney records and see how other players took more tricks, try to figure out what they were thinking. WHY did they take a particular line. Is their line clearly superior to yours, or did they just get lucky on the actual deal? Which suits they try to set up first. Draw trumps right away or not? The care to cash honors in the right order to maintain transportation, and cater to different layouts. Drop or finesse and why? How did their line combine multiple chances, what were they catering to?
Posted 2016-December-13, 14:52
At the end of the day it is not a case of either/or. To become a strong player you need to both read and play. Also, as another I think mentioned, a great way to learn is to obtain copies of the hands that you have just played. You can then look at them carefully and check if you could have played or defended better. Don't just look at the boards in which you scored badly, also check those in which you did well. Maybe poor defence allowed you to get away with errors, or maybe you were just plain lucky.
Finally, join and play at a decent club. You should find the average standard far higher than on BBO.
Posted 2016-December-13, 15:21
Absolutely 100% NO - this is a bridge forum, it's designed for people of all standards, and I'm sure as much as the other suggestions made on here will improve your card play, so will participating in this forum, either posting hands you've found difficult/interesting or by reading the more expert topics.
Posted 2016-December-13, 15:21
bmonger, on 2016-December-12, 19:19, said:
I hope this question isn't too general, my apologies if so. I'm a relative newbie, and I like to play the robot duplicate(MP & IMP) games. Gives me a priceless opportunity to compare my play against better players on the same hands!
What I note is that my bidding isn't too bad, I get roughly the same bids as the better players roughly 75% of the time. I'm working on improving this aspect and making progress.
At the same time, the results show that I'm getting clobbered on the play of the hands. Every time I'm pleased that I've made a 3NT contract, the better players will make +2 or 3.
I've worked through the Seagram/Bird book and learned a lot from it. Other than more reading and practice, can anyone offer any suggestions of how I might improve in this area? I DO make a plan up front for every hand, but when I look at the results, most of the time I don't have a clue as to how the better players have squeezed out the extra tricks. I do know that I'm not yet great at analyzing the bidding and identifying the 'danger hand', but so often there isn't any information if the bidding.
I apologize if I'm wasting anyone's time, but any suggestions would be appreciated
Why don't you join the BIL club? You get supervised play with experts ready to offer advice on request. Very often the deals are analysed after the
tournament is over so you get free coaching. But be any other game,bridge demands time and study from its devotees so don't expect too
much too soon (!)
- Dr Tarrasch(1862-1934)German Chess Grandmaster
Bridge is a game where you have two opponents...and often three(!)
"Any palooka can take tricks with Aces and Kings; the true expert shows his prowess
by how he handles the two's and three's" - Mollo's Hideous Hog
Posted 2016-December-13, 15:31
The book is simply a compilation of puzzles of varying difficulty, from beginner to mildly advanced, randomly distributed throughout the book, in typical book-puzzle format; The problem is presented on one page with the solution on the reverse after turning the page. But the interesting point that holds the reader's attention is a guarantee that Mollo offers at the outset: The book is divided into two halves: set A and set B. Each set contains examples of the same genres of problems (with some themes that repeat, scattered through the book). You are invited to tackle sets A and B in the order of your choice, but you are assured that whichever set you tackle first, you will do considerably better on the second. That is a great confidence booster, I think.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m
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"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2016-December-13, 17:56
PhilG007, on 2016-December-13, 15:21, said:
tournament is over so you get free coaching. But be any other game,bridge demands time and study from its devotees so don't expect too
much too soon (!)
I STRONGLY endorse the BIL club. They get contributions and mentorship on all aspects of the game from really good people and have a full range of options to access the materials including a library so you can go at your own speed.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2016-December-13, 22:15
//, Root, How to Play a Bridge Hand; Card Play Techique by Mollo and Gardener; and Winning Declarer play by Dorothy Hayden Truscott. If you're including defense, then there's Root's How to Defend a Bridge Hand and any of a zillion books by Kantar.