The deal in question was uninteresting.
After South dealt and passes, West quickly became declarer in 3NT. After the opening club lead he quickly took three losing finesses into the South hand and ended up with 10 tricks for a below average score. (Yes I know this is bad play). With a mellifluous tongue he turned to South.
"You had everything?"
"Yes - but the hand was balanced and we have an agreement not to open under any circumstances with fewer than 12 points - even pre-empting in 1st position and our 2-bids are all strong. We find we need a bit extra."
"Director Please", came the usual bellow".
"NS are playing an illegal convention. The blue book states quite categorically that:-
"A pass before any player has bid must not show , or usually have , any values"
"The probability that a hand has fewer than 12 points is 56.24% and the probability that a hand has 7 - 11 points is 35.68%. Thus most of the time South is going to have some values. (In fact the chance that he has 8+ points - and so qualify for a legal level 4 1 opening hand is nearly 50% of all the hands under 12 points). My partner and I open on all 8+ point hands (that conform to the rule of 18 in 1st & second) and many weaker ones, so do our utmost to obey this instruction. I demand an AV+, AV- in accordance with EBU guidelines."
The TD declined and the player, who would have won the event but for the hand in question, appealed.