My recommendation for N/B/I that want to move beyond natural takeouts would be Moscow escapes, which are basically what Nick describes - system on (Stayman, red suit transfers) with XX escaping to a minor (or possibly both majors).
eagles123, on 2017-March-13, 06:27, said:
imo any method that doesnt allow you to play 1Nx is truly terrible, other than that it doesn't really matter

I disagree quite strongly with this. My experience has been that you break even often enough on the 7 card fits playing 1 trick better that the ability to find the better fit ends up being much better overall than the ability to reside in 1NTX on marginal and flat hands.
Liversidge, on 2017-March-13, 06:16, said:
Just one further question - what if responder is 4333? The usual guideline is:
If the holding is 4-3-3-3, most partnerships treat the holding as two-suited.
Not sure what that means but I am guessing that if the 4 card suit is a major then you start with your better 3 card minor?
I use a fairly complicated runout system (based on Spelvic) in which I specifically define how to deal with 4333 hands. Basically the rule I use is to pretend you have a club more and redouble if it comes back to you in 2
♣X. The long form is this:-
1NT - (X)
P = forces XX
... - XX = forced
... - ... - 2
♣ =
♣ and a red suit or 3(34)3
... - ... - 2
♦ =
♦ +
... - ... - 2
♥ =
♥ +
♠ (longer
... - ... - 2
♠+ = freak 2-suiters
XX = forces 2
... - 2
♣ = forced, one-suited or 3334
... - ... - P = to play
♣ =
♣ +
♠ or 4333
♦ =
♦ +
♥ =
♥ +
♠ (equal/longer
♠ = natural, willing to be raised (effectively preemptive)
2NT =
♣ +
♦ (at least 5-5)
The 4333 sequences are then:
♠333: 1NT - (X) - 2
♣ - (X); P - (P) - XX and 1NT - (X) - 2
♣ - (P); P - (X) - XX
4red333: 1NT - (X) - P - (P); XX - (P) - 2
♣ - (X); P - (P) - XX and 1NT - (X) - P - (P); XX - (P) - 2
♣ - (P); P - (X) - XX
♣333: 1NT - (X) - XX - (P); 2
♣ - (X) - XX and 1NT - (X) - XX - (P); 2
♣ - (P) - P - (X); P - (P) - XX
What this gives up is the SOS redouble but this method has an alternative way of handling 3-suiters, so the trade-off is worth it. It is not a method I would recommend for N/B though. Nor is it a method I think anyone that has played it would describe as "terrible".