Cyberyeti, on 2017-July-24, 17:15, said:
I'm not sure what line you're comparing this with in the "How do you gain" remark.
My worry is Qx, KQxxxx, xxxx, x for the finessing lines which I think is much more likely than the 6-5.
My worry is Qx, KQxxxx, xxxx, x for the finessing lines which I think is much more likely than the 6-5.
If you second diamond in hand and play a club to the nine and cash two more clubs, you can still elect to play a spade to the ace if you think that Qx is more likely than a small singleton. If East had four small spades, he might have switched to a spade, as well. But, as I said, the big disadvantage in crossing to the king of spades is that you give too much away about your hand. You haven't given a line where you gain by winning the second trick with the king of diamonds.