What would you open?
1H, 2C or 2NT?
Posted 2017-August-13, 21:33
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2017-August-14, 03:15
However, I wouldn't criticise anyone who opened 2NT or 2♣ with these hands. Five quick tricks and a K & R count of over 23.
Posted 2017-August-14, 03:29
Posted 2017-August-14, 05:36
Posted 2017-August-14, 05:54
diana_eva, on 2017-August-14, 05:36, said:
I also bid 1♥ and I don't think it's close. Two reasons: firstly it gives us more room to find the best game. Secondly, your hand is not even that strong. If partner passes 1H we are not missing game and 1H might be our best spot.
Posted 2017-August-14, 06:06
broze, on 2017-August-14, 05:54, said:
Funny, I thought the hand was too good for 2NT.
Posted 2017-August-14, 06:09
broze, on 2017-August-14, 05:54, said:
You can EASILY be missing game on a hand partner passes 1♥, possibly in diamonds xxx, x, Qxxxxx, xxx for example or xxx, xxx, QJx, xxxx for 4♥, but is it a risk worth taking ? Constructively it probably is, but tactically possibly not, how much are you going to enjoy 1♥-(1♠)-P-(3♠) for example ?
Posted 2017-August-14, 06:33
diana_eva, on 2017-August-14, 06:06, said:
I agree it is.

Too strong for 2N not strong enough for a GF 2C
Posted 2017-August-14, 06:55
Posted 2017-August-14, 07:04
broze, on 2017-August-14, 06:33, said:
Many people here have the agreement that 2♣ is GF unless you rebid 2N.
Treating it as a balanced 22-23 feels about right if you consider it balanced, certainly too good for 20-22 (which is actually rarely 22 so partner isn't going to expect something this good).
Posted 2017-August-14, 07:12
Cyberyeti, on 2017-August-14, 07:04, said:
Treating it as a balanced 22-23 feels about right if you consider it balanced, certainly too good for 20-22 (which is actually rarely 22 so partner isn't going to expect something this good).
Of course I mean too strong for 2C followed by 2H. Rebidding 2N is right on values but simply a misdescription of the hand.
Re cyber's hands above I would not pass the first one with a singleton in partner's suit; the second one I accept but is a tiny risk. I don't forsee a problem after 1H (1s) p (3s) dbl. I'd hugely prefer this to 2c (2s) p p
Posted 2017-August-14, 08:01
Posted 2017-August-14, 08:48
broze, on 2017-August-14, 07:12, said:
Re cyber's hands above I would not pass the first one with a singleton in partner's suit; the second one I accept but is a tiny risk. I don't forsee a problem after 1H (1s) p (3s) dbl. I'd hugely prefer this to 2c (2s) p p
The problem is that you X 3♠, partner bids 4♣, now what ? you have no clue whether 4♣/5♣/4♥ is the right spot
The issue is that 2♠ doesn't very often get called over 2♣, certainly not on the 5 card suit and an 8 count that many people overcall 1♠ over 1♥ with.
Posted 2017-August-14, 10:15
2NT with a prime 21 incl a 5-cd suit is a mis-evaluation.
So 2C and then it is close between 2H as the suit is really strong and 2NT as the hand is semi-balanced. The answer could well depend on how confident I feel with partner on the follow up sequences. And if opps bid, not too much of an issue (so far).
Posted 2017-August-14, 14:25
Cyberyeti, on 2017-August-14, 08:48, said:
The issue is that 2♠ doesn't very often get called over 2♣, certainly not on the 5 card suit and an 8 count that many people overcall 1♠ over 1♥ with.
An easy 4D over 4C
Posted 2017-August-14, 15:59
However, this hand is an exception, primarily because I don't see any good way forward after 1♥. In particular, we are rarely, if ever, realistically reaching a good diamond contract. No way does this hand open 1♥ and rebid 3♦ on K10xx, with A/AK in the blacks.
This hand is too strong for 2N, with the heart length and texture and the diamond 10, so I would choose 2♣, intending to treat it as a balanced 23 count. Were I Ax AQJ10x K10x AKx, I'd bid it this way as well.
Actually, I think that doing it this way maximizes the chances of finding a diamond slam, compared to all alternatives. Partner, with a decent 5+ diamond suit is far more likely to show the suit over a 2♣ then 2N sequence than any other plausible sequence (assuming that one agrees that the suit and hand are 'wrong' for 1♥ then diamonds).
Btw, the discussion about problems caused for 1♥ openers, should the opps bounce is spades, is silly. At least if one opens 1♥ one has shown a suit, and partner may be able to raise at some point, especially since the conditions of their preempting pretty much assure that partner has short spades! Imagine him holding 2=3=3=5 and we open 1♥ and later double....he'll have an easy heart bid. Contrast this with 2♣ [2♠] P [3♠}.
Indeed, if we knew the opps would be bouncing in spades, that would be a valid reason for opening 1♥! But we have zero reason to worry about this, at least not to the point of nobbling our ability to show our hand when they don't.
Posted 2017-August-14, 17:22
Also it depends on system, if you have a gadget to show a GF over a 1♠ response from partner (as we do), then finding a sensible spot after a 1♥ opener isn't so difficult, but you have to bite the bullet and bid 3♦ if partner bids 1N.
Posted 2017-August-14, 17:51
Posted 2017-August-30, 16:17
1H does not look worth the risk on such a balanced high points hand.
2C then 2H looks masochistic, at least for those of us who play Kokish.