Posted 2019-June-01, 02:30
I play a Losing Trick Count/Cover Card (LTC/CC, by opener/responder, respectively), using many gadgets, including Transfer Lebensohl Over Reverses. So, to me, opener's reverse shows a five-loser hand (or better). If I bid 2N, relaying to 3C, I can then pass (if I have long, weakish Clubs), or bid my choice of (long, weakish) suit, which partner should pass. If I bid at the three level, it's a transfer, showing an invitational hand or better (as opposed to regular Leb, which would, generally, be forcing). So, on this hand, when I, as responder, hear opener's 5-loser or better reverse, I think I have a solid-enough two cover cards for partner (from among my three Diamond honors), so I'm bidding 3C, transfer to Diamonds, invitational or better. Then, when opener hears my invitational bid in response to her reportedly five-loser hand, and realizes I think I've got at least two cover cards (right? That would be invitational over a five-loser hand, in the context of minors), she realizes that since she really has a four-loser hand, she can bid a Diamond game (right? Four losers minus two cover cards leaves only two losers, so bid the minor game!). Boom, done. So easy with LTC/CC and a few cool gadgets. That's my $0.02.
FeliityR writes 'I, too, called 2♥ - reluctantly. This is the whole hand. Given the vulnerability I can understand somewhat East/West not bidding immediately holding the top suit, spades. My partner North was not deterred by my 2♥ call. As I say, he "came to the wrong conclusion" and it's perhaps easier to judge seeing all four hands, but how do you think the auction should proceed after 2♥.'
MIkeH seems right that opener should pattern out economically with 3♦. Now responder's ♦ holding improves in value. Hence, the partnership should reach the excellent ♦ game.