Opponent calls TD... ...then immediately retracts his summons
Posted 2019-July-26, 14:53
What should happen next, if anything?
Posted 2019-July-26, 15:12
Posted 2019-July-26, 17:24
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2019-July-26, 19:06
blackshoe, on 2019-July-26, 17:24, said:
So when the TD arrives and asks "How can I help you?", what is he supposed to say if there's no actual need for the TD? Is he supposed to explain the problem he thought existed, even though he realized otherwise?
In some cases it may be innocuous, like the suggested case where he miscounted his cards and then got it right. But I think there could be cases where explaining the problem could result in extraneous information to the other players.
Posted 2019-July-26, 19:16
Posted 2019-July-26, 20:46
Posted 2019-July-26, 21:15
ahydra, on 2019-July-26, 20:46, said:
Sure, if that is the situation.
But a player's reason for summoning the Director is primarily a matter between him and the Director and in fact doesn't even have to concern bridge as such.
(There could for instance be medical reasons.)
Posted 2019-July-27, 00:14
661_Pete, on 2019-July-26, 14:53, said:
What should happen next, if anything?
Did it disconcert you and cause you to misplay/misbid that hand? If it did, I suspect there is no recourse available.
Posted 2019-July-27, 10:17
barmar, on 2019-July-26, 19:06, said:
In some cases it may be innocuous, like the suggested case where he miscounted his cards and then got it right. But I think there could be cases where explaining the problem could result in extraneous information to the other players.
It's not illegal to give extraneous information to the other players.
You're called. You go to the table. Just as you arrive, somebody says "never mind". You look at the table, and there's an exposed card in front of one of the defenders. What do you think has happened? Why do you think you were told "never mind"? What should you do?
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2019-July-27, 11:23
blackshoe, on 2019-July-27, 10:17, said:
You apply Law 81 (in particular law 81C) and clarify the circumstances leading up to you being summoned.
This implies hearing the player who summoned you and then any other player (if any) who wants to be heard.
If the remark "never mind" apparently was an attempt to violate Law 10A you issue a procedure penalty (in the form of a warning) against this violation.
Posted 2019-August-02, 10:35
I should explain that the circumstances at my table were far from innocuous.
The person who called the TD gave no explanation, he just sent the TD away. But I got a sort of message at second-hand, after the session (just as I was about to go home). This was, that he had suspected my partner of passing me an illegal signal during the bidding. (this was quite untrue).
This worried me - as you might expect - so I E-mailed the TD and the scorer. I then got a different message: the new version was that the opponent thought a certain call should have been alerted - and then decided it needn't be. This reassured me: it appeared to be just a procedural thing.
However, at the following week's session, I was told that the first story was the correct one - i.e. that he'd suspected some sort of "signal".
I was really upset now. Back home, I E-mailed the club chairman stating my concerns - and said that I'd be taking a break of a few weeks to 'get over it'. As it happens, I'll be away on holiday part of this period, so I'd have missed some sessions anyway.
I must stress that the Chairman, TD and scorer have been most supportive and sympathetic towards me about this. When I go back to playing at the club, I'm sure it'll all have blown over.
I don't blame anyone for the mix-up in explanations. These things happen.
Posted 2019-August-02, 14:57
Posted 2019-August-04, 09:28
Once the Director has been summoned he is now the only person who has the right (and duty) to decide whether there was an irregularity and how this in case shall be handled. (The player who summoned him may not just "cancel" the summoning without explaining to the table why.)
In order to do that the Director should clarify the situation and hear any player involved who might want to be heard
I strongly believe that had such procedure been followed in this situation there would not have been any cause for later bad feelings.
(And I agree with pescetom)
Posted 2019-August-04, 16:11
pran, on 2019-August-04, 09:28, said:
Once the Director has been summoned he is now the only person who has the right (and duty) to decide whether there was an irregularity and how this in case shall be handled. (The player who summoned him may not just "cancel" the summoning without explaining to the table why.)
In order to do that the Director should clarify the situation and hear any player involved who might want to be heard
I strongly believe that had such procedure been followed in this situation there would not have been any cause for later bad feelings.
(And I agree with pescetom)
Of course a person can say something along the lines of “never mind, no problem”.
Posted 2019-August-04, 19:33
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2019-August-04, 20:42
blackshoe, on 2019-August-04, 19:33, said:
In the OP case it would have been particularly bad to have followed Scen’s procedure — sorry, Director, I thought they were making illegal signals but decided that I did not have enough evidence o make an accusation.
Posted 2019-August-04, 23:09
Vampyr, on 2019-August-04, 20:42, said:
In the OP case it would have been particularly bad to have followed Scen’s procedure — sorry, Director, I thought they were making illegal signals but decided that I did not have enough evidence o make an accusation.
Can't you imagine a more civil explanation to the Director than "sorry, Director, I thought they were making illegal signals but decided that I did not have enough evidence o make an accusation."
Anyway, an immediate clarification would (hopefully) have cleared the air right away instead of causing ill-feelings for weeks in the club.
Posted 2019-August-05, 09:05
pran, on 2019-August-04, 23:09, said:
The director call and retraction caused no ill-feeling whatsoever. It is the remarks afterwards that caused it. And these remarks could have been made whether the director was called at the time or not.
Posted 2019-August-05, 09:30
pran, on 2019-August-04, 09:28, said:
If the player who called the TD never mentioned what was going through his mind to anyone, there also would not have been any cause for bad feelings. The bad feelings were due to him blabbing after the fact, and the rumor got back to the OP.
If he decided there wasn't really enough of a problem to call the TD, he could have just kept his original suspicion to himself, and everything would be fine.