I do not seem able find how to rotate hands in V3 in some previously saved deal, meant to be uploaded to teaching / bidding table or a trny. Also, is BBO aware that most V3 buttons do not show in Edge?
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V3 Hand Editor
Posted 2020-February-20, 14:21
No answer from any bbo yellow? Is editor there and I (we, many tried) are blind and cant find it, or feature dessapeared with V3, as many others?
Posted 2020-February-21, 11:18
I've added the missing Rotate Deal option to our V3 bug database. No promises when it might be addressed.
I just tried V3 with Edge, I didn't see any problem with the buttons. AFAIK we haven't gotten complaints from other users about this.
I just tried V3 with Edge, I didn't see any problem with the buttons. AFAIK we haven't gotten complaints from other users about this.
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