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Hand Records missing
Posted 2020-May-08, 01:54
Not that it matters to me as I did not play but two folk so far have pointed out there are no hand records on BBO for
The Ireland Imp Pairs last night .. finishing at 1154pm Ireland time ..which is 654 Eastern Standard time
Thu May 07 10:00 PM 11:56 PM vacb266064 pairs MP boards #492 ALLIANCE Pink 0-1000 5:00pmET/2:00pmPT
Thu May 07 10:30 PM 11:54 PM ABA pairs MP boards #1677 ABA Pairs
Thu May 07 09:05 PM 11:54 PM eamongall pairs IMP boards #9924 Pairs Ireland Imp Pairs
Thu May 07 11:16 PM 11:51 PM ILO pairs IMP boards #1169 Pairs ILO
Thu May 07 09:28 PM 11:50 PM ahemedabad pairs MP boards #8607 Pairs Silver Spring Bridge Club
the tournaments above and below all have their hand records ...
I watched Table 1 of a Swiss Pairs play the final card of the competition .. and looked briefly for the cards to check for any averages but could find nothing
This morning(8 hours later) I am informed by one player ....No hand records from last night
I only put this topic or notice here in case it is a sign of a bigger issue coming down the line ..
The tournament completed and the results are issued but no hand records ..
For what its worth I did stick in that command +includeall+ for the first time last night ...
Eamon Galligan
eamongall on BBO
Not that it matters to me as I did not play but two folk so far have pointed out there are no hand records on BBO for
The Ireland Imp Pairs last night .. finishing at 1154pm Ireland time ..which is 654 Eastern Standard time
Thu May 07 10:00 PM 11:56 PM vacb266064 pairs MP boards #492 ALLIANCE Pink 0-1000 5:00pmET/2:00pmPT
Thu May 07 10:30 PM 11:54 PM ABA pairs MP boards #1677 ABA Pairs
Thu May 07 09:05 PM 11:54 PM eamongall pairs IMP boards #9924 Pairs Ireland Imp Pairs
Thu May 07 11:16 PM 11:51 PM ILO pairs IMP boards #1169 Pairs ILO
Thu May 07 09:28 PM 11:50 PM ahemedabad pairs MP boards #8607 Pairs Silver Spring Bridge Club
the tournaments above and below all have their hand records ...
I watched Table 1 of a Swiss Pairs play the final card of the competition .. and looked briefly for the cards to check for any averages but could find nothing
This morning(8 hours later) I am informed by one player ....No hand records from last night
I only put this topic or notice here in case it is a sign of a bigger issue coming down the line ..
The tournament completed and the results are issued but no hand records ..
For what its worth I did stick in that command +includeall+ for the first time last night ...
Eamon Galligan
eamongall on BBO
Posted 2020-May-08, 02:12
It is reported to me that the hands have now appeared ... so why did I bother ..
However I did check before posting ..
Guess I need to instill patience in my players ...
Eamon Galligan
However I did check before posting ..
Guess I need to instill patience in my players ...
Eamon Galligan
Posted 2020-May-08, 02:38
eamongall, on 2020-May-08, 02:12, said:
It is reported to me that the hands have now appeared ... so why did I bother ..
However I did check before posting ..
Guess I need to instill patience in my players ...
Eamon Galligan
However I did check before posting ..
Guess I need to instill patience in my players ...
Eamon Galligan
I find they often don't appear until after the 20 minute correction period. I think they can still see their own results and percentages during this time.
Gordon Rainsford
London UK
London UK
Posted 2020-May-08, 02:53
gordontd, on 2020-May-08, 02:38, said:
I find they often don't appear until after the 20 minute correction period. I think they can still see their own results and percentages during this time.
Gordon I was 8 hours down the road at this stage ... 2 hours of bridge and 6 hours of sleep ...and I checked before I sent as a player sent me a message this morning ..
Normally I do my few corrections during the correction period but last night was not possible as I could find no way to see any boards .. unless I go through Players Results .. and
with 74 pairs ... I don't think so
I have checked now and there were 3 boards to be corrected out of 24 times 37 = 888
Thanks for your reply
Eamon Galligan
eamongall on BBO
Posted 2020-May-08, 03:16
The process that feeds hands from tournaments and main club to myhands database was backlogged all day yesterday. Programmers optimized it today and it's now caught up.
Posted 2020-May-12, 11:12
Gerardo, on 2020-May-08, 08:19, said:
They NEVER appear during the 20 minute correction period.
Once they appear, correction period is over.
Once they appear, correction period is over.
Even though you work here you might not be correct but I am happy either way ... BBO is great
However today and many other days I get the results from Hand records and I check thru the final board of each set of 2 or 3 looking for slow plays I missed.
You see I use the information from the hand records to help me check if all my boards were completed.
I regularly notice my corrected scores affecting the result in my director tab and then later the Hand Records score gets updated ....probably after the 20 minute correction period.
Most of the time I am all over my tournament and avoiding any slow plays by correcting them on the fly chasing the slow tables
I suspect I am misunderstanding what you are saying or you are misunderstanding what I am asking
No need to say anymore as all is working fine now for me.
What is the capital of Newfoundland anyway ... there used to be a ukannie bridge player on Okbridge from Newfie about 100 years ago well pre BBO.
Eamon Galligan
eamongall on BBO
Tonight (May 12th usa evening time) I was able to fix all my late plays about 7 minutes after end of 30 table Ireland Imp Pairs. Happy with that.
Posted 2020-May-15, 16:24
I have missing hand records from tournament #6959 which I hosted and which finished 7 hours ago. If there is something I can do to get the hand records, let me know.
Posted 2020-May-15, 20:53
We are currently lagging at peak time, playing catch up when peak is over.
Studying ways to fix this.
Studying ways to fix this.
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