My club has been enjoying the benefits of pairs tournaments in lock-down using my basic TD account. 90% of the time all is well. But I keep reading of new tricks and features associated with virtual clubs - howell +allavail+ etc. What is involved in converting from a basic TD account to virtual club? Is it possible? Are $$$s involved? Any advice gratefully received.
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Virtual Club benefits/costs
Posted 2020-May-22, 05:38
BBO Virtual Clubs setup goes thru the National Bridge Otrganizations, not clubs directly.
The EBU is already set up with BBO, contact them.
The EBU is already set up with BBO, contact them.
Posted 2020-May-22, 09:49
wnt53, on 2020-May-22, 03:45, said:
My club has been enjoying the benefits of pairs tournaments in lock-down using my basic TD account. 90% of the time all is well. But I keep reading of new tricks and features associated with virtual clubs - howell +allavail+ etc. What is involved in converting from a basic TD account to virtual club? Is it possible? Are $s involved? Any advice gratefully received.
+allavail+ works for any tournament
For howell permissions email support, or me, and ask. It's also something that can be granted to any tournament host, not specific to pay tournaments.
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