Winstonm, on 2021-August-10, 07:12, said:
Justin Lall convinced me that it is ok to rebid nt with a singleton. The only opening scheme I ever used was the 2D opening in Sontag/Weichsel version of Precision.
I personally think it a mistake to create alterations to your basic bidding structure to handle low frequency hands. This fits with my thinking that 2/1 is built for game/slam bidding so you accept that part score bidding will not be as accurate . 1nt forcing is integral to 2/1 so to change it to semi-forcing alters the entire structure of other bids. I think this is a mistake . If you want to be able to bid non-forcing 1nt, don’t play 2/1.
I may be wrong, but as I recall the rebid notrump with a stiff debate was after 1x 1y, where he advocated rebidding 1N if in range…say 1354 1D 1S 1N.
I like the style but neither of my two serious partnerships partners will play it.
I don’t think he was discussing a 2N rebid. The considerations are markedly different. After 1N, the auction may be over, plus we have very narrowly defined our strength, if not our shape. After a 2/1 game force response, we’re not worried about part scores: we’re about strain, right-siding (far more important in game or slam than in partials), and game/slam.
As for how we’d bid it, I think it very close between 1D 2C 2D and 1D 2C 2H
The combined honours in my long suits, each headed by the ace, persuade me that this is just enough to bid a descriptive 2H. I’m influenced by the fact that we open virtually all 11 counts, so this is easily a king value more than a minimum. Swap a red Jack for a small spade, so we have Jx AQxx AQJxx xx, and I think we’re just on the other side of the decision…but it’s very close either way.
Now I think responder needs to grab notrump…not necessarily committing to notrump but protecting the spade King. Slam is definitely in the offing, and the advantage of 2/1 is that 2N is forcing….and (importantly) will allow opener to pattern out….imagine seeing a 3C rebid over 2N. Or 3D for that matter, showing a 6-4 red hand, over which we have an easy keycard.
As it happens, opener raises 2N to 3N.
Now responder has problems. His hand is far stronger than a good 16 count. I think 4D for now.
Then 4H by opener. We don’t have kickback available anymore….one good metarule is that anyone who offered to play in 3N cannot ever ask for keycards.I think you’ll find it difficult to construct hands/auctions where that rule lets you down.
So I think that in real life, north is going to have to guess….he can’t find out how good opener’s diamonds are. Opener might have, say, Qxx AKQx Axxxx x and bid the same way, although arguably opener should not cue on this auction, below game,with poor diamonds, given the context.
On a lucky day I’d jump to 6N over 4H. On an unlucky day, I bid 4N
If opener rebid 2D, which I happily play as ‘could be 4’, responder bids 3D anyway. He’s not looking for a diamond contract…he’s looking for 6N, with diamonds as a fallback.
This fetches 3H, and now I can jump to 4N, quantitative, or cue 3S…which I would NOT do.
3S is either no spade stopper (xx Kx Kxxx AKJxx?) or the spade ace, hoping opener can bid 3Nwith Qx, Qxx etc or intending to pull 3N, thus revealing 3S as a cuebid.
If I jumped to 4N…..I think that opener, who hasn’t shown anything by way of extras, is on the cusp of 6N or pass.
Obviously, since I’ve seen both hands, I’d always get to 6N by north🤪
Oh, btw, playing 1N as semi-forcing is perfectly ok in a 2/1 context. Opener only passes with minimum 5332 hands and even if responder intended a 3 card limit raise, 1N will usually be fine….and indeed will quite often yield a plus when 3M was failing. In addition, some pairs lump the 3 card limit raise into 2C….I don’t much like this since it requires some artificiality to work things out, but some very good players use it.
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