Posted 2021-October-30, 02:46
I don’t think I’d have bid 3H but 3S, although having partner bid 4H thinking I am 2-suited (ok, some might have Xed and now deny 4-cd H, but not usually me) and play it in 43 might actually work.
As regards partner’s « free » bid of 3D, it is necessary to win the partscore if responder stretched a little and wont dare balance, or if overcalller bids some number of S after hearing his partner fit.
Partner’s situation is uneasy over 3H. With Axxx facing a likely sg, they know we have to run 9 tricks on the lead. So solid D and a side A are required. Or winning finesses…Bidding 3S « can you cooperate? » won’t help and likely buries 3NT for ever. 3NT has the merit of it won’t be laydown but should « often enough » make (and when it doesn’t, were we making sth?). Maybe a sim (but it is so dependent on the parameters you choose) could be useful.
Now, over 3NT, pass is clear. We have 6D and partner could even be stopping S twice.
A bit of bad luck on this one. On the reflection, 3H is the most helpful bid of the sequence.
Winstonm 'Was 3H right? What now for South? Trying to find the best game - if there is one - South tried 3H and got 3N from partner.'
Over North's 2♦, I rank
1, 3♥ = Notrump probe.
2. Pass = NAT but, arguably, anti-systemic.
Over North's 3N, Pass is the only sensible option.
A fine contract opposite many 8 counts e.g.
♠ A x x x ♥ A x ♦ x x x ♣ x x x x