pescetom, on 2022-November-20, 12:30, said:
if he has a hearts stop then he quite likely has another suit stopped too.
Certainly not great odds, but worth a try I would think (would be interesting to simulate).
I might chicken out to diamonds if mikeh was declarer or 3NT was doubled
Partner would need a club and a heart stopper, plus half a stopper in spades, and two quick tricks. And at least one diamond. And even with Jxxx-Kx-xxx-AKxx we are likely down with a spade lead and a heart switch.
If partner knew that we have this hand so they would only bid 3NT when it makes, then it might be worth a try, but the problem is that when they bid 3NT they only promise a heart stopper, so most likely 3NT is wrong.
I might try it at favourable since a few undoubled downtricks might be fine, but vulnerable I think the risk of -200 or -300 on a partscore hand is too big.
If the purpose of 3
♥ is to bluff them out of 6
♥, we might as well bid 1NT. Or 3NT. Or double.
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket