jillybean, on 2023-February-15, 20:42, said:
Ruff a
♠ to A
Ruff a
♥A,K, ruff 3rd heart high (loses if hearts are 5-1 or spades 3-1)
So do you establish
♦ first?
Ruff a
♠ to A
Ruff a
♦ to K
Am I missing the obvious?
I’m afraid you are
The hand is cold against any distribution so long as you take your time to count winners. Actually, you can count losers as well. LB has it right
Ruff the club and pull trump…you don’t care how they break. You can afford to pull 4 rounds….to heck with worrying about 3-1…you are cold on a 4-0 break!
After all trump are gone, pitch your second club on a heart and drive out the diamond ace.
The instinct to ruff twice in dummy is understandable but when one sees something as simple as that, it’s mandatory to ask…what could go wrong, and then (unless there is no lie of the cards that could defeat your line), look for a better play.
Yes, it sometimes slows the game down and, quite often, you’ll end up with your initial line
But watch top players. One or two savants may always play quickly but the great majority of really good players take time before playing to trick one. Personally, I’d like to think that on this hand I wouldn’t play from dummy immediately, even though it’s obvious I’m ruffing. If my instinct was to ruff twice, I’d realize that 5-1 hearts will beat me. Or 2=4 with 4-0 trump. Then, I hope, I’d realize that I don’t have any losers other than the diamond ace, so the second club ruff is an illusion…a dangerous one at that.
When I saw they and, my first thought was ‘why post this?’ On reflection, I think it’s quite easy not to plan properly and fall for the illusion
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari