How can you hope to resolve a call like this without a completed CC? I've already cited the relevant Laws - 75 (especially D) and 84/85. It's actually the same as doing it *with* a completed CC, except instead of listening to the evidence and deciding what their actual agreement is, you look at the CC and then listen to the evidence and decide what their actual agreement is.
How many completed CCs are:
- 20 years old, and haven't been changed in all that time - whether or not the agreements have;
- written down 5 minutes before game time and either sketchy, incomplete, or illegible;
- for another partner, but "we agreed to play my card with J with Brozel instead of DONT" - and what's the chance partner glossed over this bit;
- made by me with my new cool toy, and partner didn't notice something I slipped in there because it was "obviously" what we played;
- made by the system wonk (not me?) and foisted on partner, who can remember about 3 of the 5 new things that they were told they were playing this week;
- mentoring and "we play it, it's on the card, but it hasn't come up yet...";
or all the other things?
How do you judge "I lost my mind" from "I play X with my other partners, and forgot" from "I had a spade in with my clubs" from "it might be on the card, but I've never played that in my life" from..., with or without a card?
In these cases, the card can protect the offenders by being evidence, frequently good evidence, supporting their statements about their agreements. But it's not ineffable and undisputable Word Of God. (Yes, primarily the card is to protect the opponents from a bunch of games, and for those opponents who learn by eye better than by ear, or "in context" better than individually. But it does protect your side as well.)
Having said all of that: since the mode (and likely median) number of times per session my card is looked at by the opponents is zero, even at a tournament - and I play K/S with Keri, South African Texas, Power Doubles, 0314, Namyats, UDSP and a few other oddities - how do you make this a priority?
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)