How to declare this slam to 7
Posted 2023-October-02, 13:05
6 looks good seeing both hands but I'm just playing in 4

Posted 2023-October-02, 15:58
1NT - 2♦ transfer
2♥ - now 3♠ and 4♣ upwards are all slam tries for me.
I end up in 6♥s rather than 7
Posted 2023-October-02, 17:36
Posted 2023-October-02, 17:43
1C - 1H
1NT - 3H (slam try)
3S (cue)
West can hardly have a better hand once East invites, and would guess 6H at this point. Further bidding shouldn't dissuade either hand from that target.
Posted 2023-October-03, 11:39
sfi, on 2023-October-02, 17:43, said:
1C - 1H
1NT - 3H (slam try)
3S (cue)
West can hardly have a better hand once East invites, and would guess 6H at this point. Further bidding shouldn't dissuade either hand from that target.
I wouldn't upgrade either, although it's not outlandish (K&R 15.0, a little less in my eyes).
Our developments would be similar:
1C - 1H
1S - 3H (imposes trumps)
3S - 3N (I too control S)
4C - 4D
4N (even) - 5C
5H (denies D) - 6H (can lose DK, maybe HQ)
Posted 2023-October-03, 11:51
pescetom, on 2023-October-03, 11:39, said:
Our developments would be similar:
1C - 1H
1S - 3H (imposes trumps)
3S - 3N (I too control S)
4C - 4D
4N (even) - 5C
5H (denies D) - 6H (can lose DK, maybe HQ)
I would upgrade out of a weak no trump, I valued this as 15.
1N (15-bad 19)-2♣ (asking)
2♥ (3 hearts not denying 4 spades, 15-16) - 3♦ (cue, sets hearts, partner can't have diamonds here or would have opened 1♦)
3♠ (cue) - 5♣ (exclusion, cannot want to play in clubs given other system bids not made)
5♠ (2 without Q) - 6♥
Posted 2023-October-03, 12:35
Cyberyeti, on 2023-October-03, 11:51, said:
1N (15-bad 19)-2♣ (asking)
2♥ (3 hearts not denying 4 spades, 15-16) - 3♦ (cue, sets hearts, partner can't have diamonds here or would have opened 1♦)
3♠ (cue) - 5♣ (exclusion, cannot want to play in clubs given other system bids not made)
5♠ (2 without Q) - 6♥
To each his own. I would be unhappy to play 3♦ as imposition of trumps, rather than second suit or (better) secondary (re)transfer. We use the latter mechanism and would bid 3♣ here, opener bids 3♥ showing disinterest in diamonds and willingness to collaborate in hearts slam investigation.
Posted 2023-October-03, 15:49
pescetom, on 2023-October-03, 12:35, said:
Opener is KNOWN to hold 2 or 3 diamonds, there is little point in introducing the diamonds here as a suit in which you might play, this use is I think much more frequent than a slammy 5-5 in the reds where you want to know about his diamond holding and won't find out later.
Posted 2023-October-04, 16:14
Cyberyeti, on 2023-October-03, 15:49, said:
I was referring to the strong NT equivalent where opener upgraded to 1NT and responder showed 5+4+ GF+ in the reds, opener may well hold 4+ diamonds - sorry for any confusion with the weak NT scenario.
Posted 2023-October-04, 16:39
pescetom, on 2023-October-04, 16:14, said:
Use second round transfers and the issue just goes away.