I cannot remember if I have done this myself - I think I may have
Observing a hand in a tourney I was in (after I had finished) which went 2C-2D-2NT-3D!-4NT bypassing acceptance of the transfer was interpreted as Blackwood in diamonds not hearts
I am putting this here as a broader question but given that it was a Robot tourney it could have been an error or an undefined bidding sequence
Is it permitted to not accept and go straight to Blackwood, and surely the agreed suit is Hearts
In the same hand I unfortunately missed 6NT with an incorrect play on the opening lead
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Blackwood after a transfer
Posted 2024-July-03, 22:59
That does explain what happened. Was asking for a friend who may do such things
How about a transfer after a 3NT rebid
- although that went straight to 6NT - which sadly I blew on the opening lead
-EDIT forget that. Checking DD it needed some kind of squeeze so not feeling so bad
That's an aside though. I will be careful assuming which suit 4NT is in sometimes
How about a transfer after a 3NT rebid

That's an aside though. I will be careful assuming which suit 4NT is in sometimes
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