On this hand I was south and after my 2C bid, my partner bid 3C and I won't say what I did after that but we got a zero percent board. I subsequently discovered that despite playing non serious bridge for 20 years, I suddenly didn't know what 3C was here. Well, I know what 1C - 3C is but, in the above sequence, rightly or wrongly, my brain told me I couldn't pass as I don't know my partner's strength.
So I am attempting to improve my knowledge. We play 2 over 1 and the 2C bid by south shows 11 to 17 HCP. With 18/19 points, south would jump to 3C on their second bid. I have also been advised by an expert that south bid of 2S is better than 2C, so for the purpose of this question, assume that the south 2C bid denies 3 card spade suit and denies a 6 card heart suit.
Is the following table correct for the meaning of north's bids after south 2C. I just made up the 3D 3H bids.
pass : 6 - 8 (9) points, 3+ clubs, less than 2 hearts - 5143 5053 4153 4144 etc.
2D : 4th suit forcing to game
2H : 2 card heart support, 6-9 points, could have 4+ clubs
2S : 6 card suit with 6 - 9 points or 5152 shape with 6-9 points
2NT : 10 - 12 points, either balanced (might have 4 card club suit) or 5242, 5143, 5053 shape unsuited for anything else
3C : good 9, 10-11, poor 12 HCP, 4+ clubs
3D : 6 card spade suit, 13+ HCP, no diamond stop, 1 or less heart
3H : 6 card spade suit, 13+ HCP, 2+ hearts, no diamond stop
3S : 6 card suit, 10 - 12 points
3NT : 13+ HCP, balanced with diamond stop, 2+ hearts