Doubleton jack or less likely K of spades with E is another possiblility, but not sure you can do everything.
QJ.. (presumed by the lead)
looks like a 1
♠ overcall not 2
Ah of course,

As long as W has strictly 6 spades, one can just continue with the original plan - ruff N's losers in hand before drawing the last trump.
you need to be very careful with your entries and timing, and it may not be good enough.
3 rounds of diamonds, do the QJ drop ? QJx with E will do you.
2 further rounds of clubs ruffing
spade to the ace
ruff the last diamond and as long as E follows you're OK, if he pitches his second spade he promotes his trump
cash your last trump in hand, ruff a spade draw trumps and claim
you can't do everything, either the crossruff or the squeeze lines but not both.