4225 Why 1nt?
Posted 2025-January-29, 20:52
But I've played too much 12-14 NT, where you clearly don't have enough to reverse on the equivalent hands (being a K lighter), and the advantages of playing 1C-1red-1S promising an unbalanced hand (i.e. almost certainly a singleton somewhere) are bigger.
Posted 2025-January-29, 21:07
jdiana, on 2025-January-29, 20:45, said:
My style of reverse promises a stronger hand than what I have here. Give me QJx,AK63,3,AQ872 I may upgrade and bid 2♥ over a 1♠ response.
It's looking much more like a chunky 2 suiter, with 3 card support for partner.
I posted this in the N/B forum thinking it would be almost unanimous, simple answers.
Oh how wrong I was.
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
"Bridge is a terrible game". blackshoe
Posted 2025-January-29, 21:11
smerriman, on 2025-January-29, 19:41, said:
I wouldn't, but I liked your post anyway.
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
"Bridge is a terrible game". blackshoe
Posted 2025-January-29, 21:12
jillybean, on 2025-January-29, 21:07, said:
It's looking much more like a chunky 2 suiter, with 3 card support for partner.
I didn't notice at first that your second hand had 16 HCP vs 17 HCP for the first hand. I agree that it's borderline but I'd still do it. But if a 1NT opening fits your and your partner's style, that's fine too.
Posted 2025-January-30, 00:57
Wtf is wrong with actually telling your partner your distribution?
Admittedly, methods count and if I was stuck playing up the line bidding, I might mastermind with 1N. But playing even moderately ok methods,1C 1R 1S shows 4+ spades and longer clubs, 11-18 hcp. Wow…isn’t it amazing? I have a hand that matches what I’ve announced.
Now partner can make a bid that describes his hand…if he passes 1S I very much doubt we’ve missed a game. I concede Stephen is right on one point…I have to raise 1N to 2N….showing…oh god how can we survive this….4=2=2=5 16-18 hcp! Wow…imagine having the exact hand one has shown in the bidding! How can we ever trust partner to know what to do? Compare this bizarre, descriptive auction to the ‘perfect’ description afforded by grabbing the hand with our 1N opening bid! /sarcasm
Ok, not ending sarcasm. I guess nobody ever wants to play 5C making when 3N fails, or 6C making rather than 3N, or even getting to a spade partial when partner is too weak to use stayman over our 1N
Look people….I know almost everyone who posts here is ‘the captain’ in their partnerships…partner is just a dullard with whom we have to put up….but let me let you into a little secret…shared by every expert in the world when playing with another expert. Good things generally happen more often in auctions in which you describe your hand than in auctions in which you mastermind
/end rant
Posted 2025-January-30, 01:35
mikeh, on 2025-January-30, 00:57, said:
Wtf is wrong with actually telling your partner your distribution?
Admittedly, methods count and if I was stuck playing up the line bidding, I might mastermind with 1N. But playing even moderately ok methods,1C 1R 1S shows 4+ spades and longer clubs, 11-18 hcp. Wow…isn't it amazing? I have a hand that matches what I've announced.
Now partner can make a bid that describes his hand…if he passes 1S I very much doubt we've missed a game. I concede Stephen is right on one point…I have to raise 1N to 2N….showing…oh god how can we survive this….4=2=2=5 16-18 hcp! Wow…imagine having the exact hand one has shown in the bidding! How can we ever trust partner to know what to do? Compare this bizarre, descriptive auction to the 'perfect' description afforded by grabbing the hand with our 1N opening bid! /sarcasm
Ok, not ending sarcasm. I guess nobody ever wants to play 5C making when 3N fails, or 6C making rather than 3N, or even getting to a spade partial when partner is too weak to use stayman over our 1N
Look people….I know almost everyone who posts here is 'the captain' in their partnerships…partner is just a dullard with whom we have to put up with….but let me let you into a little secret…shared by every expert in the world when playing with another expert. Good things generally happen more often in auctions in which you describe your hand than in auctions in which you mastermind
/end rant
Great rant
Posted 2025-January-30, 02:07
jillybean, on 2025-January-29, 09:42, said:
I almost always open 1NT with 5m(422), regardless of notrump range.
This hand may be a tad too strong for 1NT but let's say we evaluate as within range, which is obviously not crazy.
The hand doesn't have an immediate rebid problem but I am concerned about my third bid. I may end up in an uncomfortable 3red or 2NT if partner has the usual 5-6 points. If partner bids FSF I don't have a full stopper in the fourth suit, and besides I will have to jump to 3NT to show my strength which takes away a lot of space.
Basically, I cannot show specifically a semi-balanced hand with a specific range while preserving the option to play 1NT. So I prefer to open 1NT. We could easily lose a clubs fit but then maybe opps have lost a red suit fit.
Posted 2025-January-30, 03:22
Instead I will focus briefly on one other point: many people here have raised the issue that they may have issues describing the hand with a 1♣ opening. I think this is an excuse to justify some masterminding. To me, if I want to score well, the choice is clear: I will show my two long suits (or exact shape), then the strength of my hand, and then leave it to partner. Opening 1NT makes life much more difficult for partner and denies them eve opportunity to evaluate their hand.
Don't hide behind not being able to show clubs with spades. I think this is not only false and most systems, including all standard ones, have ways to show this hand, but also 1♣ into some spade bid or double gains in competition (so much for your system).
I really struggle to find a system that handles this hand type so poorly that a 1NT opening would be justified. Are you all sure that you are playing something that inconvenient?
Posted 2025-January-30, 04:26
smerriman, on 2025-January-29, 17:48, said:
I don't follow this. If you open 1♣, you're extremely likely to hear a 1♦ or 1♥ response. How are you making a reverse bid to show the shape and strength - neither 1♠ nor 2♠ is a reverse. I'd still do it, just don't see how it's related to reversing. With hearts instead of spades, definitely.
The issues with regards to being forced to make decision between reverse / no reverse shows up, when the suits are touching.
I mentioned this in my 2nd post in the thread.
My comments were meant to describe the set of 5422 hands, that you may consider opening 1NT instead of bidding your suits.
Just to be clear, with the given hand, I would always start with clubs, followed by bidding spades.
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2025-January-30, 07:02
mikeh, on 2025-January-30, 00:57, said:
This addresses a question I raised upthread. 1x-1y-2NT = 18-19 HCP; 1M-1NT(forcing or semi-forcing)-2NT=18-19 HCP; Larry Cohen says 1m-1NT-2NT=18-19 HCP.
But 1♣-1♥-1♠-1NT-2NT shows 16-18? Is this standard? Should 1m-1NT-2NT also show 16-18?
mikeh, on 2025-January-30, 00:57, said:
I didn't want to bring up "Walsh style" earlier because JB specified plain vanilla standard bidding, but I think rebidding 1♠ rather than 1NT would be consistent with that style.
Posted 2025-January-30, 13:33
I look forward to some expert responses.
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
"Bridge is a terrible game". blackshoe
Posted 2025-January-30, 15:09
jdiana, on 2025-January-30, 07:02, said:
But 1♣-1♥-1♠-1NT-2NT shows 16-18? Is this standard? Should 1m-1NT-2NT also show 16-18?
I didn't want to bring up "Walsh style" earlier because JB specified plain vanilla standard bidding, but I think rebidding 1♠ rather than 1NT would be consistent with that style.
IC 1M 2N shows a balanced hand, rarely not some 5332 or 4432 or 4333…..yesterday, playing pairs, i rebid 2N after 1D 1S with Jx Kx AK108xx AQx but that’s a low frequency sort of hand…it’s useful to protect the heart holding should we end up in 3N….and even the club holding might benefit
The auction doesn’t deny 4 hearts. Any decent bidding agreements include ways to find hearts after 2N. Similarly 1m 1H 2N doesn’t deny 4 spades.
Flat hands, virtually by definition, play slightly less well, on average, than hands with shape…either because you have a fit and can score ruffs or control losers or ruff a long side suit good or simply run the side suit, after pulling trump or using it to tap the defenders, etc
In contrast, 1m 1R 1S 1N 2N often, not always of course, offers the potential of long suit (clubs) winners with low cards that don’t get accounted for in the 4321 count that underlies 1m 1x 2N
Finally, the terror that so many posters/readers have that 2N on 16 opposite 6-7 hcp is, imo, playing scared bridge. The only way to never fail in a contract is to never bid. Good luck with that.
So yes, once in a while partner goes down in 2N. Omg…what a hideous prospect. Meanwhile those very same terrified bidders routinely miss good games, slams and partscores in one of the black suits.
Qxxx Kxxx xx Qxx This is, imo, a routine pass of 1N. Ok, after they run both red suits against you, you rate to take the rest of the tricks. Down anywhere 2-4 tricks in 1N, cold for a spade partial. And if the heart Ace is onside, wow…you will probably make 1N….but you’ll often make 4S. Yet the ‘oh god…let’s never go down in 2N’ crowd seem oblivious to this very real problem.
Now, if partner is an awful declarer, open 1N and mastermind away. Of course, partner will either never notice your masterminding or think it normal….and do it himself at every opportunity. But that means that your partnership is doomed to play mediocre bridge forever. It’s silly but reflective of human nature. Players seek advice but only accept the advice that accords with their existing views. Good players are the exception. Why? Because they truly want to get better and they’re very happy when someone explains why they should change their views, if the explanation is sensible. The way to get better is to unlearn bad thinking and learn better thinking, yet few people are prepared to do that….even those who claim that they do. Long time readers of this forum should be all too familiar with that….we see the same questions posted with slightly different hands. Using keycard as a slam try is probably the most common, but it’s not the only one.
Years ago, I was one of the players who wore a big ‘ask me’ button at regionals. The idea was for experts to answer questions by non-experts. The practice didn’t last long. I and my friends stopped offering to do it because on the times we were asked for and gave advice, the questioner, more often than not,was actually asking in the hope that we’d tell him or her that they were correct….so they could go off and tell their partner that he or she was wrong. And on hearing that the expert didn’t agree (often didn’t think either player got it right) the questioner started arguing. It’s a human characteristic but it basically ensures that the people who exhibit it never get better.
Posted 2025-January-30, 15:10
Posted 2025-January-30, 15:31
mikeh, on 2025-January-30, 15:10, said:
Is this directed at me?
I was just asking a simple question regarding the correct point range of a 2NT rebid in different situations. Maybe "But 1♣-1♥-1♠-1NT-2NT shows 16-18? Is this standard?" came across as challenging your opinion in some way, but it wasn't meant like that. It was an honest question. Not sure on what basis you've concluded that I have no intention of following anyone's advice. I appreciate the advice given by you and others on here. Just trying to learn like everyone else.
Posted 2025-January-30, 17:48
Btw, I’m human too. I’m aware that there are times when I react in much the same way as I criticize. I hope that the fact that I’m aware of this tendency helps to reduce that, but I’m not so naive as to claim that I’m immune
I think that I’ve posted this story before but I read a memoir by a leading physicist in which he relates a story about a professor at a legendary UK college. He’d given a lecture to post grads and and others. A visiting prof interrupted to explain that he was wrong on one point and gave a convincing explanation. The author, telling the story was amazed at the lecturer’s reaction to being publicly corrected. He smiled and thanked the visitor for showing him his mistake. His position was that he much preferred learning the correct view to thinking, mistakenly, that he was correct. I try to emulate that professor, albeit with mixed success
Posted 2025-January-31, 05:28
Where we differ is that Mikeh seems to think that 4225 is not a balanced hand and that therefore treating it as such is masterminding the auction, whereas I think that 4225 is a balanced hand and that it's normal to open 1NT when I'm in the appropriate range. Obviously we will both see some wins and losses from our choice (although IMO one of the biggest wins for Mikeh's style is the ability to play in a 2♣ partial instead of 1NT when it's right, and he promptly gives that up by playing XYZ).
I do think the hand given in the original post (17 HCP plus a five-card suit) is a bit too good for 1NT and would open one club anyway. One fewer jack and 1NT is fine by me.
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2025-January-31, 06:22
Posted 2025-January-31, 12:18
One relatively straightforward example pertinent to awm’s critique of my preferences on the topic discussed here is whether to use xyz after 1m 1R 1S
I say 1m 1R 1S because I play transfer Walsh so 1R is either showing hearts (1D) or spades (1H). Our sequence leading to 1S is essentially identical to non T Walsh 1C 1D or 1H then 1S.
If you do not play xyz, then you have a problem with some invitational hands. 4=3=1=5 opposite 2=5=4=2. What does responder bid over 1S with an invitational hand?
It used to be fairly common to play 4SF as invitational or better, but most partnerships now play it as game force.
So how does one find the 5-3 heart fit?
Well, one possibility is to rebid 1N and hope/expect that opener will bid 2H. But what if responder has 3=4=4=2 with weak hearts and strong diamonds and a weak hand?
Another possibility is to agree that opener always raises hearts with that shape, but that will sometimes miss a 4=4 spade fit in favour of a not great 4=3 heart fit
But, as awm pointed out and as I’d earlier stated, playing xyz means being unable to play in 2C…we end up in 3C if we want to play a club partial. That’s definitely a drawback.
Opening 1N on 4=2=2=5 shape reduces this a little bit. But opener could still be 4=1=3=5 or 4=3=1=5 so the problem doesn’t magically disappear.
Meanwhile, unless responder has the values (hcp and/or shape) to respond to 1N but has the values to respond to 1C, the partnership risks playing 1N when they should be in a black suit partial…and sometimes a spade game.
In addition, say you hold something like 1=5=4=3 5 count with Jxxxx in hearts. It’s normal to transfer into 2H. If that could be opposite xx in hearts…even sometimes opposite as much as Ax…you’re probably not going to enjoy the play unless hearts are 3=3, which is unlikely.
Adam’s experience persuades him that opening 1N on 4=2=2=5 provides enough benefits that they offset the costs….that he doesn’t identify all of the costs is irrelevant…I’m sure he knows they exist but he, sensibly, doesn’t write posts as lengthy as many of mine.
My experiences lead me to the opposite conclusion.
Plus…and I think this is important….your choice should be based on a range of factors, not least of which is your partner. Opening 1N has a significant advantage over 1C when your partner is non-expert. Everyone beyond the beginner level has a basic grasp of notrump auctions and you’ll usually land on your feet. The problems I identified do happen but they won’t arise tyat often. Meanwhile, you avoid the sometimes subtle challenges of suit oriented bidding, with the wide ranges of strength and shape inherent in such auctions.
Also….if you’re the more experienced partner, it’s usually best to abide by partner’s preferences rather than force him or her out of their comfort zone for the sake of marginal benefits. That isn’t, btw, why I don’t play xyz in my second partnership….(just in case he reads this!). He’s a WC player. It’s just that we play some of my preferences and some of his…this one I go along with him.
A second factor would be your goals in playing. If you are, as most are, primarily a club level player, perhaps with hopes of doing ok in low level mp tournaments, your competition probably isn’t going to be bidding 5C or 6C when it’s right…they’ll be in 3N just as you are….so the downside cost of playing the wrong strain on occasion will not be huge. But if you want to play well in tough imp matches, you’d best not be missing club slams or playing 3N down when 5C makes….or missing games due to 1N preempting you out of your fits, and so on.
If your goal, and especially if partner shares this goal…regardless of where you play….is to be able to bid these slams and games reliably then I’d suggest you at least consider opening 1C and rebidding 1S.
Posted 2025-January-31, 19:50
No offence to those who play seriously at top level where small marginal things can mean a lot
I know it means nothing but I just had some fun generating 100s of such hands and seeing how GiB vs Gib sorted it out
Finding the best suit fit or NT if it's better
Posted 2025-January-31, 20:52
thepossum, on 2025-January-31, 19:50, said:
No offence to those who play seriously at top level where small marginal things can mean a lot
I know it means nothing but I just had some fun generating 100s of such hands and seeing how GiB vs Gib sorted it out
Finding the best suit fit or NT if it's better
The best players in the world started as beginners. How did they become the best players in the world? By learning from better players. How does any B/N player improve? Many don’t. A friend of mine taught students for 40 years and some of the students in the later years had been students since the beginning and had barely, if at all, improved.
But those capable of improvement aren’t likely to get better, especially given the current state of the game, without someone not just telling them how to be better but also providing a coherent explanation of why one might/should/could bid differently than one is accustomed to bid.
If you’re happy with your current skill level….good for you. But if you’d like to be better….then pay attention when an expert volunteers advice.
Oh…btw…..I don’t think even the programmer who wrote the code for GIB would for a second suggest that emulating it’s bidding approach is a good idea. And we’ve gone over why and how DD analysis has very little to do with actually playing bridge. But…if you’re comfortable, no need to change.