Minor Modifications to Meck-Lite Precision responses to 1C
Posted 2025-February-10, 17:05
This is the standard responses to SMP. Now 11 hcp hand with good controls and good suits can be upgraded to 12 hcp
1¨ 0-7 hcp. May upgrade a good 7 hcp hand to a positive response, F1
1© any hand with 8-11 hcp but denies 5+ spades, GF
1ª 8+ hcp 5+ spades, GF
1NT 12+ hcp, 5+ hearts and denies 5+ spades, GF
2§ 12+ hcp 5+ clubs, denies 5+ spades, GF
2¨ 12+ hcp 5+ diamonds, denies 5+ spades, GF
2© 14+ hcp balanced, GF
2ª 12+ hcp and any 4-4-4-1 hand, GF
2NT 12-13 hcp balanced, GF.
My changes. Instead of using balanced hands I propose using flat hands. Flat hands are 4-4-3-2 or 4-3-3-3 so deny 5-3-3-2. (5-3-3-2 hands are treated as 1-suiter as in KK relay) This is used in KK relay.
For flat hcp I am using the ranges of 8-11, 12-14 and 15+ with 4+ controls (hands with less than 4 controls are treated as 12-14). These ranges are used in KK relay.
Also I want to include the 15+ hcp flat hands in the 1♥ response, so it is important that there is a big difference in hand strength between 8-11 and 15 hcp hands (rather than using 14 hcp) I will be including 15+ hcp hands with 4+ controls in the 1♥ response.
With 15+ hcp don't make a game bid which could be considered a sign-off. With 15+ hcp and opener signs-off in 3NT, show the number of your controls with 4§=4, 4¨=5etc. With 15+ hcp and opener signs-off in a suit, show the number of KC for the suit and if opener sign-off in slam without using KC then raise to 7. When responder makes one of these impossible bids after a sign-off opener will know responder is 15+ hcp flat. The 2NT response will show 12-14 hcp flat This enables the 4441 hands with 12+ hcp can be shown by a double jump in the singleton. This enables major suit singletons to be shown at a lower level.
The new responses are:
1¨ 0-7 hcp. May upgrade a good 7 hcp hand to a positive response, F1
1© 15+ hcp flat and 4+ controls or any hand with 8-11 hcp but denies 5+ spades, GF
1ª 8+ hcp 5+ spades, GF
1NT 12+ hcp, 5+ hearts and denies 5+ spades, GF
2§ 12+ hcp 5+ clubs, denies a 5-card major, GF
2¨ 12+ hcp 5+ diamonds, denies a 5-card major, GF
2© 12+ hcp 4=1=4=4 with singleton heart, GF
2ª 12+ hcp 1=4=4=4 with singleton spade, GF
2NT 12-14 hcp flat, denies a 5-card suit, GF
3§ 12+ hcp 4=4=4=1 with singleton club, GF
3¨ 12+ hcp 4=4=1=4 with singleton diamond, GF
Posted 2025-February-10, 18:21
From Kiwi club (late 70s), 1♥ response was 12+ any, imposing reverse relay, 1♠+ were 8-11. Something like ....
1♦ = 0-7
1♥ = 12+ any (then opener's 1♠ = hearts, etc)
1♠ = 4+♥s, 8-11
1NT = 4+♠, not 4♥s
2♣ = 8-11 flat (maybe 2♦ showed that. I forget.)
It's not clear why SMP doesn't do something like the above.
I don't play the method. I'm interested in the thinking behind the swap.
Posted 2025-February-10, 19:31
pilun, on 2025-February-10, 18:21, said:
I don't play the method. I'm interested in the thinking behind the swap.
SMP isn't a relay system. It splits into 0-7, 8-11 and 12+ so that you know slam is a possibility with 12+. To make memory load fairly low and you only have long sequences if one side has slam ambitions
There is a relay method over 1S to get all shapes and whether 8-11 or 12+. But it doesn't give exact shapes as in a true relay system
Posted 2025-February-11, 01:38
steve2005, on 2025-February-10, 19:31, said:
There is a relay method over 1S to get all shapes and whether 8-11 or 12+. But it doesn't give exact shapes as in a true relay system
Nothing to do with relay. It's
0-7 any / 8-11 any / 12+ descriptive
0-7 any / 12+ any / 8-11 descriptive
Posted 2025-February-11, 10:21
I put the 12+ hands into one response (if not balanced). Thus, the normal positives get more use and practice.
C3: Copious Canape Club is still my favorite system. (Ultra upgraded, PM for notes)
Santa Fe Precision ♣ published 8/19. TOP3 published 11/20. Magic experiment (Science Modernized) with Lenzo. 2020: Jan Eric Larsson's Cottontail ♣. 2020. BFUN (Bridge For the UNbalanced) 2021: Weiss Simplified ♣ (Canape & Relay). 2022: Canary ♣ Modernized, 2023-4: KOK Canape.
Posted 2025-February-12, 12:14
PrecisionL, on 2025-February-11, 10:21, said:
I put the 12+ hands into one response (if not balanced). Thus, the normal positives get more use and practice.
This sounds like an interesting approach. Can you outline the details? Also, I am guessing that the 14+ balanced hands have a response that's presumably similar to the 8- 13 balanced? Also, the balanced splits I have seen before are usually 8-11 /15+, 12-14, so how does your scheme work?
Posted 2025-February-12, 22:03
Our Current Design:
C3: Copious Canape Club is still my favorite system. (Ultra upgraded, PM for notes)
Santa Fe Precision ♣ published 8/19. TOP3 published 11/20. Magic experiment (Science Modernized) with Lenzo. 2020: Jan Eric Larsson's Cottontail ♣. 2020. BFUN (Bridge For the UNbalanced) 2021: Weiss Simplified ♣ (Canape & Relay). 2022: Canary ♣ Modernized, 2023-4: KOK Canape.
Posted 2025-February-13, 15:32
PrecisionL, on 2025-February-12, 22:03, said:
Is the 1H response spades or 14+ balanced? Do the rest pretty much follow the KK relay?
Posted 2025-February-14, 08:17
foobar, on 2025-February-13, 15:32, said:
No and No we do not follow the KK Relay design as 1♣ - 2♦ includes 5332 hands.
1♣ (16+) - 1♥ (GF, 4+♠ or 14+ Balanced) - 1♠ (Asking) -
1NT = 14+ Balanced
2♣ = canape with ♣ longer than ♠
2♦ = canape with ♦ longer than ♠
2♥ = canape with ♥ longer than ♠
2♠ = 1- or 2-suited with 5 or more ♠, may have a 4-cd minor.
C3: Copious Canape Club is still my favorite system. (Ultra upgraded, PM for notes)
Santa Fe Precision ♣ published 8/19. TOP3 published 11/20. Magic experiment (Science Modernized) with Lenzo. 2020: Jan Eric Larsson's Cottontail ♣. 2020. BFUN (Bridge For the UNbalanced) 2021: Weiss Simplified ♣ (Canape & Relay). 2022: Canary ♣ Modernized, 2023-4: KOK Canape.