So far I think I am ok showing splinters as responder (i am using 10-13 pts with singleton and 9-12pts with a void) - Is this correct???
I use strong jump shifts also, not sure if worth mentioning or not, anyway splinters as a responder:-
1h > 3S is splinter
1S > 4H is splinter
1d > 3H (i use conv minor so must have at least 5 as p may have 4)
Can someone give me some examples of showing a splinter as the opener please with 9 card fits. I have come up with these and wondered if they are ok?
1S, 2H (showing 5), 4d (i have 4 hearts so show diamond splincter - ok?)
1D, 2C, 4S (4 card club support, spade splinter - ok???)
1C, 1D, 1H, 2d, 4S (diamond support, spade splinter - ok?)
Any sensible comments welcome and any links to some good info on splinters is also welcome - Thanks in advance to any who comment :