RIP Memoriam thread?
Posted 2011-August-24, 07:27
You ain't nothin but a houndog
Is that all there is
I would not have expected these to come from the same source
Posted 2011-October-05, 18:28
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2011-October-05, 19:21
Call me Desdinova...Eternal Light
C. It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms.
IV: ace 333: pot should be game, idk
e: "Maybe God remembered how cute you were as a carrot."
Posted 2011-October-05, 19:32
The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists that is why they invented hell. Bertrand Russell
Posted 2011-October-06, 03:41
Lobowolf, on 2011-October-05, 19:21, said:
Agreed. Jobs was (arguably) the greatest CEO of the modern business era.
Posted 2011-October-07, 17:20

Was not a fan. But I love the way the guy came back. Looking forward to the bio.
Posted 2011-October-13, 11:18
The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists that is why they invented hell. Bertrand Russell
Posted 2011-October-13, 15:33
PassedOut, on 2011-October-13, 11:18, said:
Very sad indeed. Probably responsible for making "foobar" main()-stream as well?
Posted 2011-October-13, 23:15
Posted 2011-November-08, 00:05
Smokin' Joe Frazier. If Frazier had been born 20 years earlier and Marciano 20 years later, it would have been Joe who was the undefeated heavyweight champ.
Call me Desdinova...Eternal Light
C. It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms.
IV: ace 333: pot should be game, idk
e: "Maybe God remembered how cute you were as a carrot."
Posted 2011-November-08, 16:32
Posted 2011-November-23, 08:11
(I always loved the Dragonrider's of Pern)
Posted 2011-December-16, 00:21
The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists that is why they invented hell. Bertrand Russell
Posted 2011-December-16, 19:19
The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists that is why they invented hell. Bertrand Russell
Posted 2011-December-17, 08:54
Winstonm, on 2011-December-16, 21:45, said:
(1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS.The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
(2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS.The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.
So the executive is not required to hold citizens or lawful aliens indefinitely without trial, but can choose to do so: Seems to demand a challenge in court. And that brings to mind the fact that one of the republican presidential debaters proposes to remove judges who defend the US Constitution too vigorously.
The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists that is why they invented hell. Bertrand Russell