Al_U_Card, on 2014-November-05, 06:09, said:
Since it has been "warming" since the 1970's, please point to the devastating effects that this change has caused during that time. Are the actual trends even alarming? Oh, actually beneficial? Hmnnnn, but there is disaster awaiting, according to the models that predicted twice as much warming as actually occurred, so far? Sure, why not...
I know it is useless 'debating' climate change with you. Facts are irrelevant or, more accurately, facts are bits of data to be distorted and taken out of context in order to fit your view of reality.
I normally don't engage in this thread, because of the futility of trying to argue with a closed mind, but this post of yours is arguably the single most deluded piece of crap you have posted so far.
Take a look at the historical data for ice in both the Antarctic and the Artic over the past several decades.
Do you really think that just because in your smug little world this has as yet made no impact discernible to you that that means that there have been no devastating effects yet? You're a self-centred troll.
Closer to (my) home, I lived and worked in a small city known as Prince George until the mid 1980's...I was there for 10 years.
Forestry was the big industry. In particular, pine trees were a major part of forestry. Prince George also had an excellent golf course, heavily treed.
The forest industry is a tiny fraction of what it was. Part of that is simply non-sustainable practices but a huge, huge part is the pine beetle. The pine beetle was a rare and not-particularly dangerous pest in the 1970s because it couldn't survive the cold winters. Every year I was there, the temperature would drop to -25 or below (Celsius) for at least part of the winter, and -40 wasn't unknown. In one memorable winter, the temperature in PG didn't rise above -30 for 6 weeks!
A couple of years ago, the golf course had to cut down all of its pine trees because the pine beetle infestation that has disrupted and destroyed much of logging in the interior and north of British Columbia, and has spilled into the neighbouring province of Alberta, swept through the PG area. The damage to the golf course was not the worst of the economic harm but to me, as an avid golfer with fond memories of the course and the people I played with, it made it very real to me. Why has this happened? Because it now NEVER gets cold enough for a long enough time to kill the beetles.
Meanwhile, the annual snowfall has dropped and more importantly, the time when one could assume snow was here for the winter has moved. It was usual when I lived there to see some snow in October, but the snow didn't usually stick around until Halloween. The ice would be off the lakes by May. Now the snow, what there is of it, sticks later and goes away earlier, and the lakes are clear of ice weeks earlier than they used to be. One might argue that these changes are beneficial to humans, and maybe in some ways they are, but many forms of wildlife and vegetation evolved over millennia to adapt to the climate as it was. Changes such as those we see all around us, if we but open our eyes and look, cannot be as readily adapted to by animal and plant species, and while that may not mean much to a self-centred troll like you, this can have huge impacts upon humans, assuming that one cares nothing for other forms of life. Diseases such as West Nile are spreading...why? Because the pests that carry the virus have seen their habitats expand/move due to climate change. Deserts are spreading, including in the oceans, where minor changes in salinity and temperature can kill off populations of plankton and so on.
There is no doubt AT ALL that climate change is directly responsible for the truly devastating effects of the pine beetle problem, locally in B.C. and many other 'devastating' effects seen elsewhere..
And when 97% of qualified experts state, clearly and without equivocation, that human activities play a major role in the climate change, only a complete idiot would maintain a denial of reality. Are other factors at play? Probably. Are models less than perfect? Undoubtedly. Do some studies yield results that appear to contradict results from other studies? I would expect so, especially given the imperfect modelling.
You are like the lunatic creationists who point to debates amongst evolutionary biologists to argue that since they don't agree on some details of evolutionary theory, the entire structure of and conclusions to be drawn from evolutionary theory must be wrong.
I know, I am wasting my time. People like you are why the phrase 'invincible ignorance' was invented.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari