9 of 19 tables reached slam.
I picked the best auction ( IMO ) although none were w/o flaws.
EDIT: I just reviewed all of the biddings... 15 Responders bid 1♠ and only 2 bid 2♣ ! ! !
( I guess that doesn't say much for the caliber of the players ). One table opened 1NT and another opened a "big club" .
2/1 GF context
South North
1H 2C!
2D 2S
2NT 3S
What does South do now after partner has shown his 5s/6c ?
Is there a key card ask available? ( not that it would help if 2 ♥losers )
What would/should 4NT be asking?
Does Responder have a ♥-control ? He could be 5 2 0 6 with two ♥losers ?